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We crossed the gardens, passed through the gate and started our way to the tower.

No soldiers were in the corridors. They were all gathered in front of the great hall. Luckily, our arrival was not noticed.

Max was trying to see what was going on through the riot, but there were too many people!

We went around the corner of the wall and over to the other side. We had FINALLY arrived at the big hall. The whole school was together.
I snuck up on Thibault, as if I had been there all along. As usual, he seemed absent and preoccupied.

- What's going on? I asked.

He turned his head and looked at me. God... his eyes were blank... But he pulled himself together and smiled slightly at me.

- Ah...are you okay? I'm fine. There has been another murder. A beast has seized Quentin.

To hear him tell it, it was like it was no big deal. I was devastated to see, how much Marie's disappearance was destroying him.

The "fake" director moved on, clearing his throat. It was a habit the old one didn't have. He stood in front of all the teachers, as if this place was rightfully his.

This time, however, he didn't have time to start his speech.

A third grader began to fly. He stopped when his hair touched the ceiling. He was floating before our frightened eyes.
His eyes were closed and his mouth was open. A trickle of drool flowed quietly from it.

-.... The drug... Grayce covered his mouth with his hand. It's back...

- That’s how Quentin disappeared," Thibault said with a blank look.

- But he's expelled, isn't he?....Tim... ?

I looked at the student floating. He had to suffer...

The time of a breath. That's what it took for the knife to pierce the kid's forehead. I was speechless. I turned my head towards the principal and realized that he was watching me long before he threw the knife.

I looked at him outraged, but I quickly remembered who he was. Or at least who he wasn't. It was then with anger that I looked at him.

An evil smile was drawn on
his face. I could see in his eyes that he had taken pleasure in killing this poor boy!

- This young man was unfortunately doomed. The drug came back into the manor and... It decided to kill. So beware. By the time we find out who's distributing it, you'll be on your own most of the time. With that, he looked at me one last time. Then he vanished.

There was no way of knowing where. For us first graders, it was only a short distance away. But for an adult, he could go to the end of the world!

We went back to our rooms on the teachers' orders and took a shower before going to eat. Noon had arrived much more quickly than we had imagined.

- The "director" is bad! We have to stop him! I'm even willing to bet that he's the one distributing the drugs! I shouted in anger.

- I agree. I saw the look on his face when he swung the dagger... Max's blood ran cold.

- Even if it's him... There's nothing we can do now. Unless we find proof! And I don't think he's the type to leave one behind! Grayce explained.

- I'll think about it. I needed some time before I could come up with any ideas.


The day went by and I still hadn't found any solutions. The only thing I could think of was to kill him right away. He had to get out of that mansion!

"You can't run away... I know your mind perfectly well...."

- How?! ....You shouldn't be able to...

"Talk to you? To...torture you?... I wouldn't leave you for anything in the world. I'm the only one who knows who you are... And I intend to kill you before your friends even know..."

- I also know who you are. You are close by... I can almost feel your presence, somewhere in the mansion...You think you can scare me? How about we settle this once and for all? Why don't you show yourself! Instead of hiding like a coward!!!

I was alone in the hallway. And I was screaming these words at the wall. Anyone who passed by would think I was crazy! The voice started to laugh. Rha lord! How I hated that laughter! Nevertheless, I felt that he was struggling.

- Are you in pain? The poison must have affected you... You can't torture me anymore. I calmly breathed these words, to the mir in front of me.

"You can't do anything to me! I am too powerful for you! See you soon my dear..."

- I will get you! Do you hear me?! I will find you and I will kill you!!! I received no response, but I knew he had heard.


It was getting dark and I was sinking into a deep thought. I sat with my back against the door that led to the dormitory.

I was too worried to sleep...too stressed to stay put...too tense to close my eyes. The events we were going through didn't mean anything anymore.

Why would a drug suddenly appear to kill? Why was I being targeted by a psychopath? Why...so many people would be smuggled in chains and taken somewhere? Why would shadows be in places where they normally wouldn't be? Why would he take the director and try to kill Rose? Why so many bad things happen? It was beyond me. It was certain.

A flash interrupted my thoughts. That of the dagger that had pierced the boy. That image shocked me. Not to mention the Machiavellian smile of the "false" director.

- But yes! I shouted at once. It's him! It's the director! It's him, my pseudo assassin!

A noise behind me interrupted me. The door opened. Thibault had come downstairs.

- You can't sleep either....

He wasn't listening to me. He dropped his shoes and put them on in a hurry. He closed the door and wanted to leave. I caught his arm and asked him:

- What's the matter? Why are you dressed? Where are you going?

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