Peter Parker is SpiderMan

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Third Person POV ( Request from @Hdhfhdfhvfg )

Eugene 'Flash' Thompson  was gettting very suspicious of Puny Pen*s Parker. 

First he started out all weak and nerdy but then, somehow magically overnight, he was frickin ripped. Flash loved punching Parker and usually he felt nothing but skin and bones but one day, out the blue, he felt muscle. And a lot of it, Peter Parker was really frickin strong. 

Secondly, the day he started being super strong was the day he seemed to know whent he punch was actually coming. As if, he sensed the frickin punch coming. Almost like a certain spidey-sense

Thirdly, whenever SpiderMan was active in D.C. for the field trip, Peter was gone. Vanished. Turned to dust some might say. SpiderMan had saved them in the elevator and where was Peter? GONE! Nowhere to be found. 

Fourthly, when Flash was almost mugged (that's a whole 'nother story, we're not talking about that right now, we're talking abot Parker), SpiderMan had come saved him. When SpiderMan talked Flash could've swore on his life that SpiderMan had Peter Parker's voice. And when the thug had left, SpiderMan had said "It's alright now, Flash, you're safe." before he swung off. Flash hadn't even talked to him, SpiderMan just knew his name. 

And fifthly, to top it all off, when Flash was walking home from school, he passed an alley way. He saw a bright red flash of colour so he went to check it out. When he got there, he saw Peter Parker's backpack strapped to the wall in SpiderMan's webbing. 

Peter Parker had to be SpiderMan. 

"Holy sh*t, I've been bullying SpiderMan, I've been bullying my idol," Flash whispered to himself, putting his head into his hands in disbelief. And right then and there, Flash swore to himself that he would never bully anyone again. 

"If I really want to be like Spiderman, I can't bully him - or anyone for that matter," Flash said. 


Flash was jumbled out of his thoughts when someone knocked on his bedroom door. 

"Who is it?" Flash asked, getting up from his bed and walking towards the door. Flash opened it to see his mom's surprised face. 

"Mom? what's up?" Flash asked, a lot nicer than usual. 

"Nothing, just dinner's ready," his mom said, smiling to herself that Flash had finally made an effort to change himself. "By the way Flash, I'm really proud of you," she added, Flash smiled and walked downstairs with his mom. 

He didn't stop smiling the whole evening. 


The next morning when Flash was getting ready for school he was determined to apologize to Parke- Peter. For all the things he had done to him.

Flash put on his regular jeans and polo shirt and went downstairs. "Morning Mother! Morning Father," he said as he grabbed an apple and packed his bag for school.

"Morning son," Flash's father greeted, not looking up from his morning newspaper.

"Good morning, darling," Flash's mother said, smiling at her son.

Flash smiled and then waved at his parents before walking out the door to get to school.

When got there looked for Peter and found him by his locker with Fatt- Ned and MJ. He took a deep breath and walked over to them, I got this he thought to himself.

"Hi, can I talk to Peter for a sec, please?" he asked politely making the three other teenagers raise their eyebrows.

"Whatever you want to say to me, you can say to all of us," Peter replied

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