Field Trip

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Summary: Peter goes on a field trip to the avengers tower- his home.

Peter's POV
I, Peter Stark- Parker to the Public-was sitting in AP science class listening to my teacher, Mrs.Brown drone on about something Uncle Bruce and Dad (Tony Stark) taught me a couple months ago. I looked at the time-10 minutes left. 10 minutes until I can leave school and go home, to the Avengers Stark Tower. 

When the bell finally rang, and I was about to launch out of my seat, Mrs.Brown says "Hold on class, I have an announcement to make. Next Friday we will be going on a field trip to the Avengers Tower." - cheers erupted from around the room. The only person who wasn't cheering was me, I live there!-"That's only a week and a half from now, so come grab your permission forms. These have to be given to me by the end of the week or you will not be going". 

After her announcement, everyone started packing up their things, talking excitedly to each other about the field trip, grabbing a permission form on the way out. I headed to my locker with my best friend Ned and my girlfriend MJ, both of them know my true identity: Spider-Man and Peter Stark, they are the only non-Avengers that know about my identity. 

When I opened my locker my Spidey-sense alerts me then I am suddenly shoved inside and I instantly knew it was Flash "Eugene" Thompson who pushed me in. When I got out, Flash punched me in the stomach and followed up with a punch to the face.

"GO AWAY FLASH!" MJ yelled at him, "Thanks MJ" I said. She just shrugged as a 'no problem'. 

"I don't understand why you don't fight back Peter. You could destroy him with a flick of you finger!" Ned cried

 "Exactly Ned! I could seriously hurt him with a flick of my figure! I could kill him by accident!" I replied, they nod in understanding although MJ still glares in the direction Flash went.

 "I gotta go, Happy is picking me up today and Uncle Steve is make homemade pizza tonight. See ya guys later" and with that I left school where Happy was waiting for him in his Auto R8. "Hiya Happy!" I greet, "Hello Peter. How was school today?" he replies, "Good" and with that Happy rises the divider and we ride home.

Look an edited version! Yay! This desperately needed to be edited sooooooooooo yeah 

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