Chapter 2

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My parent's dinner was cooked, and my shower had been taken. I felt ultimately relaxed. My sheets had been washed and changed, which was very necessary considering the evidence of my deflowering was all over them. I ended my night by lying in bed watching re runs of The Nanny. I heard the sound of my parents' entrance, their laughter, and their movement in the kitchen. I smiled to myself, and reached for my phone. It was already 10:30, and I was still waiting on Liam's phone call. I hoped nothing was wrong.

I awoke with a start from a dream that I could not remember. My skin was damp with sweat, and my breathing was ragged. I fell asleep waiting on his call. I instantly reached for my phone and pressed the unlock button. I had over twenty missed calls. Some were from Kate, others were from unknown numbers, and the rest were from Liam's father, but I had none from Liam. I knew then that something was wrong. I instantly dialed Liam's father's number. He answered on the third ring. 

"Hannah, please tell me that you have seen my boy." My heart dropped. I could hear the worry in his voice. 

"No sir. He left my house before it was fully dark last night. He was supposed to call me once he got home, but I never received anything."  

"Well, alright. Thank you, Hannah. I will let you know if we find out anything." I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. 

"Thank you, Mr. Lowe."  

After I hung up the phone I crawled out of bed and dressed quickly. I raced down the steps and into the kitchen only to find a note from my parents that read:

We got called in early. 

We have to train interns. 

Dinner was delicious. 

Be good! 

Call our office if you need anything. 

Order breakfast if you want to. My card is on the counter. 

We love you! 

-Mom and Dad

I tried to steady my breathing. I needed my parents for moments like these. I was diagnosed with severe asthma and anxiety at a very young age, and stressful situations were not my strong point. I walked to the sink and splashed some water on my face. 

Come on, Hannah. Keep it together. He is fine.

I grabbed my keys off the holder beside the front door, my coat, and my phone and I was out the door. I never drove my car, unless Liam was at work and I needed to go somewhere, and I found that my tank was full. I said a quick, thankful prayer and pulled out of the driveway. I wasn't worried about where I was going. I was just driving. I had no real intention in my travel. I just wanted to think clearly for a moment.  

I was pulling out of my neighborhood, and turned left on a whim. I rode through the winds and curls of the county back road that led to my high school, and the city. I rode through a sharp curve to the left, and reached the Lady Beckon Bridge only to slam on my brakes. I put my car in park, and got out of the car. My mouth hung open as I looked from left to right. All around me sat police cars, an ambulance, a fire truck, and Liam's father's truck. I ran to Liam's father, who stood on the bridge with two officers. Their back was to me, and I tapped on Mr. Lowe's shoulder.  

"Mr. Lowe, what happened?! Is Liam okay? Please tell me he's okay!"  

The look on his face caused all of the blood to drain from my face. He shook his head, tears falling softly from his eyes. He took me in a hug, and I could not hold my tears back. Before I could practice breathing slowly, I began gasping for breath. My throat closed slowly, and my legs became jelly.  

"Hannah? Hannah! Are you okay? Hannah!" As I fell Mr. Lowe caught me. Black filled in my vision and the last thing I remember was Mr. Lowe saying, "Please don't die on me, Hannah. I can't lose someone else. Please, please..."

When my eyelids lifted, my attack was evident in my muscles. I felt as if I couldn't use my limbs. 

Hi, Ms. Louis. My name is Jason. We didn't call your parents. You have only been out for about ten minutes, and a good rest will help you out. You've been on some light oxygen for the past few minutes, but you should be okay to go now. I sat up in the ambulance, and took in my surroundings. The doors on the ambulance were open, and we were facing the side of the bridge that had been crashed into. A couple police officers were leaning over the bridge talking to one another nonchalantly. How could they just stand there like nothing is wrong? I climbed out of the ambulance and ran to the officers.  

"Where is, Mr. Lowe?" One of the men pointed down, and I was almost scared to look. He stood on the grass next to the lake below the bridge. A tow truck was pulling Liam's truck from the water. I let out a soft whimper, and my tears began to fall again. I had never felt this feeling before. I had a deep aching in my heart, and every second I was trying to fathom living without Liam. The police officers next to me turned around to comfort me, but I did not give them time. I made a terrible lapse of judgment. I ran towards the edge of the bridge and leapt. As I jumped,  

A million different things were running through my mind but all I could think about was holding Liam, him telling me that he loved me, and his sweet smile. I was free falling for only a few seconds but it felt like eternity. I clasped my arms down at my sides, and braced myself for the cold water. I could hear people screaming behind me, but I was already gone. When I hit the water, my body almost immediately went into shock. The water was freezing. I sank to the bottom quickly. I also made a grateful, mental note that I had left my phone in my car. I was already struggling for air, but not regretful of my decision. If Liam was gone, I wanted to go too. I could hear ruckus over my head. As my vision began to darken once more I felt someone grab me. Everything was blurry, and I tried to fight whoever it was that was grabbing me, but it was no use. I was out. Everything was black, and all I could remember was someone carrying my limp body out of the water.

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