Ch. 3

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That night, Izuku stayed in his dorm. Usually he'd go down to the commons and pretend to be happy in front of his friends and classmates, but he just didn't have it in him that night. He didn't even go down for dinner.

He was content to just sleep the evening away, until a knock sounded on his door. He debated ignoring it, but a loud "Open the damn door, I know you're awake," changed his mind.

"Hi Kacchan." Izuku said with a strained smile.

Bakugou looked him up and down before pushing past him and into the room.

"Kacchan, what're you-"

Izuku was cut off by the blond. "Eat." Bakugou said, placing a bowl of what appeared to be soup on Iuzku's desk.

The green haired boy just shrugged at the command. "I'm not hungry, I had a big lunch."

"Bullshit, you didn't eat anything at lunch." Bakugou snapped. He walked over to Izuku and dragged him to the desk, forcing him to sit in front of the soup. "Eat it."

Izuku eyed the soup. It was just plain tomato. He could do that. It was just like drinking water or... something, he was too tired to think about it that hard.

He hesitantly grabbed the spoon and lifted a bite to his mouth. It tasted about as good as plain tomato soup can taste, but it was warm and felt nice filling his stomach.

"Thank you, Kacchan." He mumbled in between bites.

Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against Izuku's wall. "When was the last time you ate?"

"This mor-"

"Don't lie to me, Deku."

Izuku frowned as he looked down at the bowl in front of him. "I had a few apple slices yesterday morning."

The blond above him made a small 'tch' sound. "From now on you're eating lunch with me."

Izuku blanched at the idea. "No, Kacchan, it's really okay, I'm fine, I don't need-"

"Shut up, Deku." Bakugou said, but it lacked the heat he normally said those words with. Nonetheless, they had the intended effect and Izuku fell quiet. "If you're fine, then eating with me won't be a problem."

Izuku just quietly nodded his head, lifting another spoonful of soup to his mouth.

You're a burden to him. Can't even take care of yourself properly.

Tears came to Izuku's eyes at the intrusive thoughts. He really was a burden to Bakugou. Now the blond would be worrying about him rather than other more important things.

Izuku was such a screw up.

You don't deserve the food he made for you.

The green haired boy didn't pick the spoon back up, leaving it in the bowl as he sat back.

Bakugou lifted a brow in question at the action.

"I'm full." Izuku mumbled, staring at the desk in front of him.
His childhood friend let out a sigh, but didn't push it any further.

He's annoyed with you. You're so wasteful and unappreciative.

"Okay," Bakugou finally said, grabbing the bowl. "You ate like half, that's pretty good." He mumbled, hesitating for a moment before ruffling Izuku's curls.

Izuku couldn't have fought off the smile on his face if he tried. Maybe Bakugou wasn't upset with him for wasting the food or being a burden.

He's just being polite.

For once Izuku chose to ignore the nagging voice. He was getting along with Bakugou for the first time since before he got his quirk, he wasn't going to let his self critical mind ruin it for him.

"Thank you, Kacchan." Izuku said quietly, looking up at the blond with wide, awe filled eyes.

Bakugou looked down at him before quickly looking away. "It's whatever, nerd. Can't be a good rival if you waste away."

Izuku laughed quietly at the blond's reasoning. He never was able to admit he was doing something nice out of concern for someone. It was almost endearing.

"True." Izuku agreed with a nod.

The two fell into an awkward silence before Bakugou quickly said, "I'll see you tomorrow," and then nearly tripped over himself trying to leave Izuku's dorm.

Once he was gone, Izuku walked over to his bed, flopping down with a huff.

"What just happened?" He mumbled to himself.

Bakugou had been worried about his health. He had brought up food and made Izuku eat something, something he could actually stomach too. It was... thoughtful. Not only that, but it seemed he was determined to make sure Izuku ate everyday by having them sit together at lunch.

Maybe Kacchan wasn't so bad after all.

Or he just feels guilt. He probably doesn't care about you at all, he's just feeling guilty about middle school.

Izuku frowned at the thought. No, Kacchan wasn't someone who really cared about guilt. Maybe he didn't even feel it. Even if it was guilt, why would he start feeling it now?

Because now he actually has friends he likes. He wants to be a better person for them, even if it means putting up with the dumb nerd he's been trying to shake his whole life.

Ouch, that one hurt a little. Was Kacchan really just doing all of this to look better to his new friends?

No, Kacchan doesn't care about what other people think of him, he's made that more than clear.

He doesn't care what you think of him because you're just a worthless deku.

That... yeah, that is true.

But his new friends mean more to him, so he wants them to like him. He couldn't care less about what you think.

Izuku let out a soft sigh. His thoughts were right. Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero were so much better than him. If he was their friend he'd want to impress them too. He really can't blame Bakugou.

He rolled over in his bed, snuggling a pillow to his chest.

Oh well, it was a comforting thought while it lasted.

hey guys!!

so i'm thinking this is going to be a sort of short story. it won't have as many chapters and will probably have some what of an open ending.

anyways, i hope you guys have an amazing day!💚

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