Ch. 7

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When Aizawa and the two students made it to the nurse's office, they walked in to find Bakugou worriedly pacing the length of the room while Kirishima and Sero sat in the chairs and watched.

"How is he?" Ashido asked, walking over to stand by Kirishima, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"He's going to be just fine, Bakubro is just panicking." Sero mumbled to her, quiet enough that the on-edge blond didn't hear.

The pink girl let out a sigh of relief at his words. "That's good to hear."

Aizawa was still standing at the doorway, his arms crossed as he observed his students. "How long has this been going on?" He asked them.

"What?" Bakugou asked, finally stilling his movements.

Aizawa just sent him a knowing look.

The blond turned to Ashido and Kaminari. "Which one of you snitched?" He snapped.

Kaminari looked over at the pink girl, clearly scared of their friend. She rolled her eyes at the both of them, raising her hand. "He would have found out anyway, there's no way Recovery Girl wouldn't notice and she legally would have to let him know."

Bakugou seemed to contemplate snapping her neck, before deciding against it. "You have to be the one to tell him when he wakes up then."

She just nodded, accepting defeat.

The tired pro hero just sighed at the teenagers. "How long?" He asked again.

"We've only known about it for about a week." Ashido answered.

Bakugou shook his head. "It had to have been like this for most of the school year. At least."

The group frowned at him, clearly not knowing Izuku as well as he did. They had no idea before the boy had started sitting with them at lunch.

Recovery Girl approached their little group, going straight up to Aizawa. "I assume you know by this point."

He nodded.

"Great, he'll need to start going to some form of therapy. He got lucky this time, but I don't want him to get this bad ever again." She said in a serious tone, eyeing Aizawa to make sure he teacher understood just how severe the situation was.

He nodded again, looking over at the bed his student was currently passed out in. The older man had to frown on his face as he watched the faint rise and fall of the problem child's chest. That boy just couldn't stay out of trouble for even a week, could he?

Recovery Girl looked over at the five other students who were crowding her office. She seemed hesitant to speak again with them present.

"They're fine, don't worry." Aizawa said.

She looked at him with a small amount of surprise before continuing. "I'm going to put him on a few vitamin supplements and work up a diet plan that someone needs to make sure he actually follows. He'll probably need some medication, but without a proper psych-eval I won't know what yet."

Bakugou nodded as he looked over to where Izuku was lying. "We can make sure he follows that diet and take any meds he needs to."

Recovery Girl smiled at the blond. "That's very kind of you kids."

He looked down at her awkwardly, unsure of what to say to that. In the end he just mumbled 'yeah', before looking away as quick as possible.

Ashido and Kaminari stifled their laughs at the interaction.

"He'll probably have a headache when he wakes. He had next to no energy to use for healing, so there wasn't much I could do." Recovery Girl explained with a frown. "But he had no serious injuries, just exhaustion and a bruised noggin."

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