Ch. 4

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Izuku skipped breakfast again that morning. If he was being forced to eat lunch, he could at least make sure it was the only thing he ate.

Of course that notion didn't last long. As soon as he walked into the classroom, he was nearly hit in the face with an apple. He managed to catch it just before it gave him a black eye.

He stared at it in shock for a few moments before looking up to see where it came from. Sitting in front of him was an agitated looking Bakugou.

"Kacchan?" He hesitantly asked.

"Eat it." The blond simply said.

Izuku shook his head, still confused at what was happening. "But I don't-"

Bakugou threw his head back and goaned. "Just eat the fucking apple."

Izuku was about to refuse again, but Bakugou cut him off with a surprising shift in character.

"Please... just eat it."

He blinked at the blond for a few seconds, unsure if he had actually heard him correctly. When no one jumped out from behind a bush and shouted sike, he quietly took a bite of the apple.

Bakugou said nothing else, but looked almost... proud? Izuku couldn't place the look, it wasn't something he'd seen from the blond.

"Take your seats." Aizawa drawled tiredly from the front of the room, snapping Izuku out of his own thoughts.


When lunch rolled around, Izuku had his fingers crossed that Bakugou either forgot about what he said the previous night or he had been bluffing.

But of course, Izuku has always had the worst luck.

"C'mon nerd." The blond instructed, nodding his head towards the door.

Izuku let out a disappointed sigh, but followed him anyway. There wasn't much he could do.

Bakugou led him through the halls and into the cafeteria, going over to the table he usual sat at with his friends. Kaminari was the only one already sittng, a plate of pizza in front of him.

"Sit." The blond said with Izuku, who complied with a huff. "Stay," he turned to Kaminari, "Make sure he doesn't go anywhere."

"I'm not a dog!" Izuku snapped at his childhood friend.

Bakugou just rolled his eyes before disappearing into the crowd. Izuku defiantly stuck his tongue out at the blond's back.

Kaminari chuckled at the green haired boy's antics, catching his attention. He gave the other blond a sheepish smile, momentarily forgetting he was there.

"So what'd you do to activate Bakugou's mom mode?" Kaminari asked before he took a huge bit out of his pizza.

Izuku giggled as the cheese refused to break as the blond held the piece further and further away from him.  "I didn't know Kacchan had a... mom mode?" He replied.

The other boy chewed for a second before speaking again, mildly grossing Izuku out. "Oh yeah, he get's all protective and caring whenever one of the squad members isn't taking care of themselves. He says that if we can't do it ourselves, he'll just have to."

Ashido suddenly showed up next to the blond, bumping Kaminari's shoulder as she sat next to him. "He's a softy on the inside. And you," she snapped at the boy. "Swallow before you talk, it's gross."

Kaminari just stuck his tongue out, chewed up food nearly falling out of his mouth.

"Ew!" The pink girl cried, pushing the blong away by hitting his chest.

Kaminari laughed as Sero sat next to Izuku. "Denks, dude, it is gross."

The raven haired boy chuckled at Izuku, who had jumped slightly when he had sat down. "Sorry." He apologized with a sweet smile.

Izuku smiled back, shaking his head. "It's okay, just surprised me is all."

"Hey Midoriya!" Kirishima exclaimed as he sat on Kaminari's other side. "You sitting with us today?"

Izuku simply nodded while Kaminari took over the explanation.

"He actived Bakugou's mom mode."

The entirety of the table cringed at Kaminari's words.

"Damn, that's rough." Sero said, patting Izuku's shoulder.

"What? Why?" He asked, looking over all of them with slight panic.

Ashido shook her head. "You'll never know peace until he's deemed you fit to take care of yourself again."

The placed a large frown on Izuku's face. He wasn't sure if that would ever happen, he couldn't fool Bakugou as easily as everyone else.

Kirishima groaned. "Yeah, remember a few months ago when I was pushing myself too hard in training and he was basically glued to my side for a week? He insisted on walking me all the way back to my dorm so I wouldn't sneak back into the gym."

Ashido reached across the table and patted Izuku's head. "It's really not as terrible as we're making it sound, we can be kind of dramatic." She staged whispered the last part, making Kirishima and Kaminari loudly gasp at her.

Izuku laughed quietly at their antics.

"Besides," she continued with a broad smile. "We'll all help you figure your shit out! You're an honorary member of the squard now."

"Midobro!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Yes! We've adopted another one!" Kaminari nearly shouted, getting shushed by Ashido.

Sero bumped Izuku's shoulder, grabbing his attention. "Welcome to the chaos."

Izuku smiled softly at him, whispering a small 'thanks', before they both turned back to the three fighting teens in front of them.

"All of you shut up." Bakugou snapped as he finally came back to the table. He took the other seat next to Izuku, sliding a tray in front of him.

There was a small bowl of chicken noodle soup, a breadstick, and a milk carton.

"Oh, he has the soup." Kaminari mumbled, making the rest of the table go quiet.

Izuku looked up at them confused, then to Bakugou, but the blond didn't explain.

Sero finally took pity on the confused boy and leaned down to whisper, "Soup is what Bakugou forces us to eat when we stop eating all together."

The green haired boy felt his heart drop. That meant they all knew.He almost got up to run out of the cafeteria, but a warm hard grabbed his, giving it a tight and reassuring squeeze.

Izuku looked over at Bakugou, who acted like he wasn't doing anything. The blond just kept eating his own food.

The rest of the group followed his lead, easily going back to their energetic and talkitive selves. They left Izuku to himself, not wanting him to be even more uncomfortable eating.

He smiled slightly at the group. They were all really great friends and seemed to understand what he was going through.

So he grabbed his spoon and took a bite.

hey guys!!

friendly reminder that the bakusquad are literal angels and deserve the world. thanks for coming to my ted talk.

anyways, i hope you guys have a great day!💚

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