are these palpitations from carbohydrates or two hot men? (yes <3)

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i watched as one person became two, became four, became eight. my vision blurred at the edges. desperately in need of water, i clung to the nearest surface. but this champagne tasted like delicious dry grapes, and the end wasn't in sight.

i downed my fourth flute of glittering gold before setting down the empty cup. wobbling back over to my table, i slid into my seat and took in the surrounding room. tanaka had been so generous as to place me at the table with all the rich, eligible bachelors as i specifically requested all those months ago.

iwaizumi leaned in, probably smelling the alcohol on my lips. could people get drunk off the lingering taste on other people's lips? was that a thing? i was tempted to find out as my eyes darted down to his lips.

"here, eat some bread. and no more alcohol for you," he advised, handing me a glass of water.

"but iwa-chan~" i whined.

"no buts," he whispered the next part into my ear, "except your cute one."

i blushed furiously as i hid my face, making quick work of the glass of water and half-basket of dinner rolls. my heart raced as i felt him place his hand on my thigh. it could have been from all the carbohydrates i had just eaten, but i'd like to believe it was because of the placement of his sturdy hand. the material of my dress which i had previously written off as thick now seemed too thin as i felt the heat radiating from iwaizumi.

'oh god, was his body heat going to burn a hole through this dress?' i hope not.

it was a rental.

kuroo, kenma, and lev sat across from us. kenma appeared vastly uninterested, like he was in desperate search for the exit and a suitable excuse to make his leave. lev, on the other hand, eyed everything with the wide-eyed wonder of a newborn experiencing the world for the first time. kuroo simply stared at the interaction between iwaizumi and me, hands clasped together, elbows on the table.

(how rude. where did he learn his table manners?)

his eyes glanced between mine and the exit. i blinked slow in response, a silent agreement that i would meet him there.

kuroo excused himself first as kenma received a phone call–his desired way out of this evening. it seemed important enough as he soon disappeared after giving his congratulations to the newly wedded couple. i didn't see him for the rest of the night.

"i'll be back," i told iwaizumi, and he nodded in acknowledgment. but when i glanced back as i was leaving, i saw him get up and follow me at a distance.

* * * * * * * * * * *

iwaizumi pulled me aside before i could catch up with kuroo. grabbing hold of my hand, he led me down a smaller hallway before spinning me around. he pushed me up against the wall, arms caged on either side of me. it was like i was a wild animal, but hey, i wasn't complaining. he could tame me any day.

i bit my bottom lip in anxiety, looking up at him through my eyelashes. he apologized and dropped his hands, taking a step back. ever the gentleman, but i wished he wasn't for just this moment. it was a different side to the iwaizumi i knew, one that i rather liked however brief.

"(y/n)," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "what are you doing to me?"

"what do you mean?" i asked in a soft voice as i reached forward to place a hand on his chest.

he gripped my hand to his chest, keeping it there as he leaned his forehead against mine. "i haven't been able to stop thinking about you since all those years ago. and the hot chocolate from christmas? i wish we hadn't been interrupted. hell, i wish i could've told you how i felt earlier, but it seemed like we were always being blocked."

i thought back to our moments together, finding the pattern he had mentioned. it seemed like the universe had conspired to prevent us from coming together. maybe that is why he had led me down this secluded hallway–taking matters into his own hands. making his own fate.

"you're funny, smart, beautiful. (y/n)," he paused, taking in a deep breath, "i like you. and if you like me back, i'll be waiting on the hill under the cherry blossom tree after the reception."

he let my hand drop as he took a couple of steps back. dizzily, i stumbled from the hallway and back toward the main ballroom lobby.

i hoped that whatever kuroo wanted to see me for would help rescue me from this daze.

* * * * * * * * * * *

(y/n)," kuroo called out from a bench. he patted the spot next to him, silently requesting that i take it. i sat down.

he moved in closer, furrowing his brows together as his hand landed on my thigh with his personally-made airplane sound. i felt him give a small squeeze as i let out a small 'yelp!' at the unexpected action, bringing me back to the present.

"there hasn't been a day gone by where i haven't thought of you since we first met. i always wondered where you were, what you were up to, if you were okay...if you thought of me." he spoke as though he was choosing each word carefully.

i placed my hand on top of his, still resting on my thigh. shaking my head, i near-begged him, "kuroo-san, please. please don't confess to me. you're my boss."

he sighed heavily like the words weighed him down physically. "i need to. you see, i like your brain. your innocence. the way you're comfortable with who you are. i didn't believe in fate until the universe kept bringing us together. but all i want–all i've ever wanted–is to be a part of your world."

"kur–" he lifted his hand, covering my mouth.

"i like you. and if you like me back, you'll meet me on the hill under the cherry blossom tree after the reception."

he stood, having said his piece, and walked back into the ballroom. he paused at the threshold, glancing back at me. with a small wave and wink, he left me much like iwaizumi had: in a daze.

i had a lot to process, it seemed. two men, confessing. confessing to me.

never would i have guessed the evening to end like this.

* * * * * * * * * * *

i wish i hadn't stopped drinking tonight. or rather, i wish i had taken one final shot before the reception had ended. standing outside, i watched as kiyoko and tanaka drove off into the sunset. the sparklers in our hands had died down. the event had officially ended.

tossing my dead stick into the trash–i don't believe in littering, and it certainly wasn't recyclable–i looked up. my eyes followed the path up to a cherry blossom tree.

i had a very important decision to make.

at a crawling pace, i made my way up the hill, thinking again of each confession. i wish i could flip a coin to decide whose rose to accept. but i had no coins with me, and this rose analogy didn't work out the way i had planned.

when i reached my destination, my eyes were greeted by bright, energetic ones. he smiled at me and held out his hand like he had been waiting for this moment. slipping my hand into his, i felt the calluses from the countless years of playing volleyball. he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to his firm chest.

"it's you. it's always been you," i whispered before leaning in. he met me halfway, smiling into the kiss as i ran a hand through his dark, spiky hair.

i was happy with my choice. because really–it had always been him.

(then i opened my eyes to be met with the one, the only, the man, the myth, the legend: bojangles the clown.)

(kidding. unless...?)

my first and last | t. kuroo, h. iwaizumiWhere stories live. Discover now