we stan kenma in this household

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my keys jingled as i struggled to find the key to unlock my apartment. i dropped them twice in the process before picking them up and inserting the right one. turning the lock, i let out a deep, frustrated sigh and counted to ten in spanish to calm down. i entered the apartment, setting my keys on the entryway table and kicking off my shoes before i stepped into the living space.

my roommate lev was lounging on the couch in black sweatpants and a tattered nekoma t-shirt where the letters had almost all faded except 'neko.' i collapsed on the couch next to him, looking over. he was flipping through a magazine mindlessly while the television softly played in the background, showing recaps from various volleyball games. i smiled to myself about how cute it was, him staying up to date on people he had met through his high school volleyball days. i mean, i did it often too, seeing where all the boys from karasuno had ended up.

i watched lev, nudging him with my foot until he paid attention to me. the nudges started soft and gentle like our romance but quickly grew violent when he didn't immediately pay attention to me.

"lev!" i shouted as i reached over, grabbing the magazine from his hand. i tossed it onto the table.

"oh, (y/n)! how was work?" he grinned, oblivious to how he had just ignored me.

"when did you tell yamamoto that we were dating?" my brow furrowed, angry at him for telling people before we had discussed it.

"today at lunch with yaku and kuroo."

"kuroo," i mouthed slowly as i pushed my brows further together. the name sounded familiar–the same name as my boss, but i couldn't determine if it was truly him.

it would make sense, wouldn't it? he had come back from lunch with stains on his shirt and something for me. i had to cancel his meetings for the hour block too, so he could meet up with some guys from high school. but i couldn't be sure. after all, there could be multiple individuals with the same family name.

my mind wandered, thinking back over the events of the day. i thought of my kuroo (i mean, my boss kuroo, obviously) and his shirtless body. his abs had been so toned that i entertained the idea of bouncing a quarter or entire piggy bank of quarters off of it. i could probably wash my clothes on them; they were that defined, like a pristine candy bar where the little rectangles made breaking off each piece easy. his arms, when flexed, were perfect for holding me close. i wondered if something would have happened if i hadn't suddenly announced that i had a boyfriend.

i made a mental note to ask lev for a picture of his kuroo, but he was going off about something.

"i can't believe kenma said he couldn't come to lunch! you know, he only attends class and works in the afternoon, so i bet he wasn't even that busy. i think he just didn't want to be around me," lev pouted, "when we were in high school, he always got frustrated working with me because i could never get the timing right with his sets. but that was years ago! i think he should be over it by now, right?"

lev continued without waiting for a reply. "i really wish he would've come to lunch. i really wanted to see him. apparently, no one besides kuroo has hung out with him, and that's only because they're roommates. but i don't get it? they're both well off, so why live together? isn't it awkward whenever one of them brings a girl home? then again, i don't think kenma would bring a girl home, especially when kuroo's around–"

he broke off with a deep breath. i stared at him blankly, amazed at his lung capacity. how he was able to speak for that long without taking a breath was astounding.

'he did play volleyball, right?' i considered. because with that kind of lung capacity, i would think he swam instead. 'maybe he'd be good at the backstroke or the titty stroke–'

lev spoke, throwing my current train of thought off the tracks (as though they were even on them to begin with). "how was your day?"

i looked over at him, suddenly incredibly tired from hearing him talk. sometimes, being with lev was draining. i understood why this kenma guy rarely wanted to be around him.

"it was good. i moved to my new desk, so i need to order some stationery. my boss, kuroo, brought me lunch, which was nice except for the fact that it was suuuper cold and probably had escherichia coli. i'm finally getting the hang of making coffee for him. he says it's better than the last few times i made it!"

"i am so proud of you," he gleamed as he wrapped his long, slender arms around me.

"lev," i craned my neck to meet his eyes, "do you have a picture of your kuroo bro?"

he nodded and got up to grab his phone from the kitchen table. he returned, scrolling through some pictures. he showed me a picture from high school first, first pointing out a long-haired guy named kenma who looked disinterested. then a guy with bad bed hair named kuroo.

he turned his phone back to him, pulling up kuroo's profile on outstagram. when lev showed me the screen, i grabbed the phone from his hand and scrolled through the pictures.

his kuroo was my kuroo.

what were the odds?

my first and last | t. kuroo, h. iwaizumiWhere stories live. Discover now