Chapter Three: The Annoying Twin

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I'm sitting on Damons slightly crumpled bed when he walks in. Well he would normally walk in, what he really does is peek his head around the door to see me sitting on the bed cross-legged glaring at him. He swears under his breath and steps into the room, closing the door softly behind him.

"Damon, what does my sister have to do with anything?" I ask him sternly, I may not like my sister very much, but she's still my sister.

"Um well, you see... you and your sister kind of look like Stefan and I's ex-girlfriend?" He says it as though it's a question, why the fuck he would do that I have no clue, I mean it's not as if I know if that's the truth or not.

"Kind of? I thought you said we were 'Dead ringers for Katherine'. Now I don't know about you but a dead ringer is generally only when you look exactly like the person." I tell him, standing up and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Alice, you only look like Katherine. Trust me if you acted like her I wouldn't keep you round for this long." I stare at Damon for a few seconds and nod.

"As much as I would rather not, I need to go home now. Elena is already going to kill me for missing school, I don't really want her to slaughter me for being home too late too." I joke as I walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Damon asks when I open the door.

"Uhh, down to the car?" I say as if it was obvious to where I was going.

"Wouldn't you rather take the fun way down?" he asks gesturing to the window and grinning at me. I stare at him for a second wondering where the hell this guy came from and if I can go there, they obviously are my kind of people.

"You mean drop out the window?" I ask my grin spreading slowly across my face.

"Is there any other way?" He asks crossing over to the window and opening it as wide as it goes.

"Only if you catch me." I say walking over to where he is by the window.

"I'll always catch you Alice." He jumps of the window and onto the ground. I look down where he is on the ground standing arms wide open with a grin on his face. I climb up onto the window sill, and shuffle forward as far as I can without falling off. "Come on Alice! Don't be such a chicken!" he shouts up to me. I glare at him for accusing me of being a chicken and drop off the edge of the window sill. The air rushes around me, whipping my hair around my face. Suddenly I'm not falling but I'm in Damon's arms.

"That was awesome!" I grin and laugh at him, from where I am in his arms. He grins down at me, his eyes shining with amusement.

"You want to see something even more awesome?" He asks me tightening his grip on me slightly.

"Yeah, of course!" Suddenly the air is rushing past both of us, giving me a giddy feeling in my stomach because we are moving so fast. I try to watch the trees and road blur past us but all it does is make me feel sick, like when you try in a car. We stop out suddenly out of nowhere and I look around us to find we are standing outside my house, right underneath my window.

"How was that?" Damon asks me, letting me down and onto my own feet

"That was AWESOME!" I grin at him. "Thank you for hanging out with me today, because of you I have managed to avoid a day of intense boredom." I wrap my arms around him in a hug for a second then pull away.

"Anytime Alice" he smiles and walks off into the woods behind the house and I walk into the house, ready to face the dreaded witch called Elena.


As I walk around to the front and enter through the door, I try to sneak up the stairs hoping that Elena has just given up on waiting for me to turn up at home and has gone to bed. The door makes a loud slamming noise that echoes slightly around the house. I hear shuffling from in the lounge next to me and the light footsteps of my sister before she comes out through the entrance to the lounge.

"Alice, where have you been? I've called and texted you about a billion times! I've been worried about you all day! Why do you keep doing this? It's not like I have a tight noose around your neck, I let you skip school because I know I can't control you but the least you could do is tell me where you are." She rubs her forehead like mum used to and looks actually worried about me.

"Elena, you're not mum. I don't have to do anything you say, you may be the eldest but you are not my mother so stop acting like it." I storm up the stairs and slam by door shut and pace around my room for a bit. I am so angry at her, she can't tell me what to do! If I don't want her to know where I was, then she doesn't need to know. It wasn't any of her business if I was doing anything, not that I was but it's just annoying that she is trying to act like mum. I don't need her to, she isn't mum and never will be.

I pace around my room for a bit till my anger simmers down a little bit and then I decide I probably should get some sleep if I'm even going to consider going to school the next day, but it's highly unlikely that I will. I get into bed after putting on some pj's and brushing my teeth. As I'm slowly drifting off into the craziness of dreams, Damon poped into my head. Not the nice Damon either, the scary vampire one, the one I don't ever want to be near again. Let's just say that my nights sleep wouldn't end up being a peaceful one.


The next morning I'm woken up by someone poking my cheek repeatedly, I suggest you never let someone wake you up like that it's not a very nice way to wake up. I crack open one eye to glare at the person who dares to try and wake me up. I see a masculine face with a mop of dark hair and bright blue eyes and a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"Ugh what do you want?" I ask with an annoyed tone and putting an arm over my eyes.

"What are you doing today?" says the blue-eyed vampire asshole who woke me up. He lifts up my arm with a grin, and wiggles his eyebrows while i glare at him.

"I have school today." I reply while rubbing my eyes, "and before you ask no I cannot skip today. There is a test I have to go sit." I don't mention that this test is to determine how smart I am, whether there is any point in me actually being at high school or if I should just leave and do my own thing.

"But Princess you can't leave me alone with no entertainment." he pouts, rolling over up onto his elbows and giving me puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sure you can survive a couple of hours while I sit a test." I say climbing out of bed and wandering to my wardrobe and dresser, and pulling out some clothes.

"I don't know Princess, bad things tend to happen when I'm left alone and bored." the grin that spreads across his face is wicked and full of unsaid misfortunes of people who make the mistake of crossing his path.

"As long as you don't hurt anyone I care about, I honestly don't care." I walk into the bathroom and get ready for the long day ahead of me.


Well that's a short chapter, but it's an update and I haven't done one for a very long time. I got busy and honestly forgot to write this story then forgot where I was going but I've made a direction now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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