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Upon awakening, she was . . . honestly somehow not at all surprised to find the absence of car scent surrounding her. She'd always been the type to fall asleep on car trips almost straight away, so it had become something of a routine for one of the Cullens to carry her back inside whenever it happened.

All it took was for her to open her eyes to notice that she'd been moved into the spare room in the Cullens' house, a room she usually occupied whenever visiting. It wasn't a bad room at all, what with the king sized bed, pretty extensive wardrobe, and standard ensuite bathroom, but still, due to the lack of people usually staying there, it was often pretty barren.

While sitting up in the bed, her legs crossed underneath her, she reached for her phone that had been left on the bedside table and typed in her password in time to see a message very quickly vanish into her inbox.


I hope you had a pleasant journey.
Enjoy your time in Forks, amore.

She stared blankly into the distance as she wracked her brain for a decent response, while also briefly adding his number to her contact list. It was just strange, even the thought of someone like Aro, or frankly any of the three men she was now metaphorically joined at the hip to, casually sending texts, or God forbid emojis and gifs.

After tapping her fingernails against the screen absently, she began typing her message.


thank you so much for letting me stay! your lil private plane is really nice btw


At that exact moment, someone knocked on the door. "Eli?"

Her eyebrows furrowed together. "Um . . . yeah?"

"Esme wants to know if you're hungry." Eliana could practically feel the perpetual venom that dripped from Rosalie's tone. Admittedly she seemed to have a lot more tolerance for her than Bella, but her point still stood. "If not, she says she doesn't mind cooking something later."

"Er, well-"

"Make a decision now," Rose sighed. "I don't fancy standing here all day waiting for you to decide."

"Okay, fine, yes then," Eliana replied hesitantly. Once no response came from that, she shouted, "Thank you!" at the door.

She felt her phone vibrate beside her once more.


You are welcome to stay with us at any time at all. However, would you care to explain the meaning of "btw"? Or "xx" for that matter?


btw = by the way

xx is just kisses. it's not rocket science lmao

(lmao = laugh my ass off)

like, metaphorically, yk

(yk = you know)


Caius wanted me to tell you that abbreviations such as the ones you use in these messages are lazy and pathetic.


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