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"Am I really less interesting than whatever is flashing away on your screen?"

Eliana blindly walked ahead, with a hand on her shoulder occasionally steering her away from any walls before she could collide into them head on. Her phone was held landscape in front of her as she tapped away at her screen.

Aro opened the heavy door to his quarters and sighed as she absently wandered in. "Earth to Eliana."

"Hold on, I've just got to . . ." She trailed off as she sat on the edge of his bed, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings, even oblivious to Aro removing his suit jacket, shoes, and tie. ". . . My high score on this game is 768 and I'm nearly there . . ."

"Couldn't you do this tomorrow?" he questioned.

"My streak ends, uh . . . in a few minutes, and then I get no more of those, er . . . those things, I don't know . . ."

"Bonus gifts," he finished.

She nodded her head, her tired eyes glued to her screen. "765 . . . 766 . . . 767 — no, Aro, NO!"

Her hands were suddenly empty. She looked up to find him standing directly in front of her with nothing but crumbled pieces of metal and glass in his hand. He casually deposited the remains on a small side table and wiped his palms clean for effect.

"Oh, amore, don't look at me like that." He tilted her chin up, closing her mouth in the process, although her eyebrows were still raised and her eyes wide. "You'll catch flies."

Her eyebrows furrowed together further. ". . . Aro, what the fu –"

"I'll buy you a new phone, there's no need to get yourself worked up," Aro replied humouredly. Evidently, this was a far worse issue in her mind than in his. "I hear Apple is releasing a new mobile phone this year anyway, so consider that other device outdated."

After a moment, she groaned and lay back on his bed. "I almost beat my high score though!" she protested.

He lay down beside her, both of them staring up at the ceiling. "Once you've lived for a few millennia, you'll realise that you have more than plenty of time to engage in mundane and meaningless tasks."

"Who said talking to you isn't a mundane and — Aro, I was kidding!"

Before he could make much of an attempt in getting up, he'd been rather weakly been held down by her, one arm and leg over him to hold him closer to her. Her head was nestled against his shoulder.

"You're unbearable," he muttered, only half-joking. "But I still love you anyway."

"'Unbearable' my arse," Eliana whispered bitterly under her breath. "You're lucky to have me."

He hummed lightly in agreement. "That I suppose I am."

She kissed him then. It was hesitant, as she found herself nearly always, but as he gently reciprocated the kiss, his cold hands moving to her thighs to pull her on top of him, that hesitancy seemed to almost vanish completely. Her hips involuntarily grinded against him just in time for him to flip her underneath him, with her legs forced apart for him to settle between them. Feeling the pillows under her head, she suspected that they'd moved further towards the centre of the bed.

Their lips separated for enough time for her to take some deep breaths, but it wasn't long before he began to trail kisses along her jaw instead. She sighed contentedly and closed her eyes.

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