chapter one

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it all began that one day that raven started to date a dush bag who didnt want her for love but for something he knew he couldnt get from her raven was innocent a loveable girl who anyone would want to be around but she wasnt happy she was depress because she was moving far away from friends too a town she didnt know about or anything but before that she was sad because the guy she was with cheated on her with another girl but she knew why but she still forgave him after the bull crap he did to her because she knew if she broke up with him she wouldnt find anyone else so she decided to give him a chance but she still wasnt happy so a month went by and she moved to that small town when she was in the town she started a new school a new home a new everything she felt it was an fine idea so one day raven was on facebook and decided to take a picture and post it on her facebook and she noticed someone she knew liked her picture she didnt know who it was at first and she checked and she noticed it was one of her cousins friends so she decided to message the girl her name was sammie ,raven had told her in the message hi with a smiley face raven waited almost 20 mints and she got a message back and it said hi with a smile face too ,raven said how are you long time no talk Sammie said I know right?! I've been good and you raven replys same these to o spoke to each other for days but raven noticed something that she was in love with her she was afraid to tell Sammie how she felt because she was scared she wouldn't feel the same... Way.. So raven asked her friend she said do you think I should tell my crush I like her? She said if you really like this girl tell her? She said okay I will and so she told her crush that she liked her a lot but her crush never told her anything until raven kept telling her I like you everyday and Sammie noticed it was true Sammie told her she felt the same way for her so one day sammie told raven that she was gonna tel her something when they saw each other again but raven was to carious she got annoyed that she kept asking Sammie what it was Sammie had said I'll tell you tonight and so that night Sammie texted raven and it was a picture and it said with. Bear on it saying will you go out with me? Raven was so shocked she didn't know what to tell her and raven just wrote awe this cute and Sammie said so is that a yes? Raven maybe sammmie asked again raven kept saying aww so cute and sammie was waiting and so raven had said yes both of them where happy but raven was scared because of distance so raven begged her mom to let her move back to L.A to live with her father so she can be close to sammie but non of her family knew about her big secret because she WS afraid of her family rejection since they where religious

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