chapter 4 ravens excited !

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so ravens hasn't been talking to sammie since shes getting use to her classes and her friends she finally made newer friends and has old friends too their so she was happy so when her day ended she messaged sammmie said im sorry I haven't texted u all day I wanted to get to know the school and the people top of that I have my brothers for 2 classes isn't that fun :o ?? after shes done texting raven gets her money for the bus she gets on it and calls her dad says dad im on way home ill see you in 5 mints okay her dad says no wait you have money go buy your self some food that you will like to eat since theirs no food at home she says okay fine dad ill buy some subway or something I find good to eat he says okay bye as soon as she clicks the phone she has a message and says its fine babe I understand its your first day of school how was it and that's cool you have your brother in your classes um I wanted to ask you when can I see you I wanna see you so we can go somewhere /.\ raven gets all happy when ever you like she says okay I'll see

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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