chapter 3 first period

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raven in her first period its English shes out side  waiting for the teacher to open the door for everyone to be their and  the first thing  she sees is one of her ex boyfriends shes shocked since she hasn't seen him in a while she says hi lucas and lucas looks at her says oh hy sup  she didn't know what to do she already knew he had a girlfriend because a while back his  girlfriend would bother raven just annoy her about how happy they where to gather    but really raven didn't care because she was already in love by the way some of you may think ravens bi or something but since she was little she knew she had liked girls and not really guys she would see them as attractive but not to be with   so going along class starts and her teacher says  hey you guys to day we will be working in groups this will be fun and everyone we have a new student name raven heart shes new so raven would you like too tell us about you ? said the teacher raven was nervous and said Yah sure..  so raven speaks and said hi my names raven heart im 16 I use  live here in L.A but I had to move somewhere new which is las vegas  I was getting home sick so I decided to move back to L.A to live with my dad to come to this school to be able to enjoy new things start fresh she was gonna talk about sammie but she was afraid to be judged so she decided not to so she said yah that's it to the  teacher well thanks raven for telling us about your self now you can sit down he smiles so as the teachers writing stuff on the wall a student comes in late and raven sees who it is and it was the girl who would annoy her over summer about her ex  so raven sits behind her and the girl turns around and say omg hi raven ! finally I get to finally meet you  and say hi ! raven was being sarcastic and says i know right! She didn't like her at all

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