Chapter 2

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Roman followed close behind me as we headed towards the bank. I turned towards him as we approached the doors.

"I'll make this quick," I told him. "You stay out here and look out for anyone suspicious."

Roman sighed. "Fine. Just don't keep me waiting too long."

I smiled and walked through the automatic doors and headed to the first ATM. After putting in all my information, I sent about half the money to the bank account of Arthur Watts. I got a phone call a few minutes later.

"Greetings, Cinder. I have received the payment. I'll arrange an airship to pick you up tomorrow. Do you know the location you'll be staying until then?"

I quickly told him the location of Roman's place. I heard him type something before he responded.

"Excellent. I'll see you once you arrive in Atlas. ...We need to have a talk about the Winter Maiden."

"Of course. I'll see you then."

I pressed the button to hang up the call and headed back outside. What I saw was Roman standing by a small girl. She had pink and brown hair, with strands of white. She also had heterochromia. One eye was pink, while the other was brown. Her clothes were torn and tattered. Her hair was messy as well.

"Excuse me," I said. "Who the hell is this?"

"I don't know," Roman said. "But she tried to steal my hat. So I'm going to teach her a lesson!"

He lifted the girl up by her shirt. But before he could do anything. She changed forms. I was now looking at two Romans.

" did you do that?" he asked, shocked.

The girl didn't say a word as she sent a strong kick in his side. Roman grunted and staggered back as the girl changed back and started to run off. I used my semblance to catch up with her.

"Hey!" I snapped.

The girl looked back at me. And then brought out a small sword that was hidden behind her. She darted towards me and tried to jab at me. But I quickly dodged her attack.

"How can you change forms like that? Is it your semblance?"

The girl just glared at me and remained quiet. I walked up to her and grabbed her wrist. She tried to tug away, but I was way stronger than her.

"If that's your semblance, then you seem to be really unique. How about you come with me? I'll be sure that you're well taken care of. It seems that you have no one to return to. Does that sound about right?"

The girl nodded slowly, looking a bit sad.

I smiled and released her wrist. "I thought so. If we're going to be working together, I'll need your name. What is it?"

She girl looked up at me before mouthing the word "Neo".

I reached out my hand. "Nice to meet you, miss Neo. You may call me Cinder. I'm sure we'll make great associates."

Neo took my hand as I lead her back to where Roman was waiting.

"Where have you been?!" he asked. "I've been waiting for—"

He suddenly stopped when he saw the girl.

"...Did you convince her to join you too?"

I nodded. "Yes. I think she'll be a great asset to us. Plus she has nowhere else to go. I have reason to believe that her sudden form change is her semblance."

Roman just rolled his eyes. "What's with you and gathering recruits? What goal are you trying to achieve here?"

I glared at him and summoned fire. Roman dodged my attack.

"That isn't really your concern," I told him. "Just do as I say, and I'll be sure that you're well off. It's really that simple."

"Fine fine. When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow. An airship bound for Atlas is going to pick us up near your place. I'll look into building you a weapon once we arrive. Sound like a deal?"

Roman nodded. "What about this pipsqueak?"

Neo glared up at him, but still said nothing.

"I'm not sure what her purpose will be. But I'll find something for her to do. Shall we head back to your place?"

Roman nodded, and leaned in a bit closer to the girl Neo.

"I'm still angry about you trying to steal my hat," he mumbled.

Neo just smiled and jabbed him with her sword. Roman flinched in pain. And Neo covered her mouth, trying not to giggle.

"That's enough you two," I snapped. Let's get out of here before we start looking suspicious."

Neo walked next to us silently as we walked back to Roman's apartment. We waited throughout the night until the early morning. I heard the sound of an airship nearby. I got up and looked out the window.

"I'm assuming that's for us?" Roman asked.

I nodded. "It is. Gather any
thing of value you have and let's get out of here."

Roman grabbed some Lien and dust while I gestured for Neo to follow me. She did so without hesitation and boarded the airship.

"You must be Cinder Fall, right?" the pilot of the airship asked.

I nodded. "Indeed I am. My associates will be joining us soon."

I saw Roman board the airship a few minutes later.

"I can finally leave the godforsaken place," he mumbled.

"Is this everyone?" the pilot asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Would you mind taking us to the kingdom is Atlas?"

The pilot nodded and began to fly the airship out of the kingdom of Vacuo.

"You're kidding right? Atlas?" Roman snapped.

"Yes," I said. "We'll meet my other associate who resides there and figure out our next move. You'll get all the Lien you desire."

Roman sighed. "I'm not the biggest fan of Atlas. Especially with that new general running the place. But as long as I get what I want, I don't really care. I'll be sure to keep this pipsqueak in line too."

Neo poked Roman's arm again with her blade. Roman winced and swatted it away.

"Ouch! Could you stop doing that?!"

Neo just smiled as the airship continued to fly out of the kingdom.

This is going to interesting, I thought to myself. A criminal and an abandoned girl? They'll be great assets for my plan...

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