Chapter one

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A tiny gray kitten stretched in the early sunlight. He kneaded the soft woolen blanket beneath his paws and gave a big yawn. He turned his head to his owner, who was slumbering peacefully underneath the covers. The kitten yawned once more and crawled his way to his owner's head. He mewed and meowed in his owner's face, pawing at them as well. The baby nibbled on his owner's blond hair, finally gaining a response- a gentle hand to the face.

"Go back to sleep, Olly..." The slumbering man grumbled, turning to his other side.

Olly mewed some more, clumsily attempting to climb over his owner's body. Olly scrambled onto the man's shoulder and nibbled on his pointy ear. The gray kitten was suddenly grabbed and lifted from his spot.

Olly's owner yawned as he sat up, "Okay..." he mumbled tiredly, "I'm up...I'm up..."

Olly began being lifted to his owner's face, "Oh Link!" the man said in a higher tone, clearly speaking for the kitten, "I don't care if it's not time to get up! I'm hungies!"


Link smiled and set the baby on the hardwood floor. Olly ran around the room to his food bowl, slipping and falling on his way. Link begrudgingly got out of bed and followed in Olly's pawprints. He soon found himself in his small kitchen, noticing his young cat trying to jump onto the counter to get to his food. He smiled fondly and picked up the kitten's food bowl.

Link stretched up to grab the kitten's breakfast from the cabinet. As he opened the tin container, he noticed it was almost empty. He poured the rest of the kibble into Olly's bowl and put it back down onto the floor. Olly immediately rushed to his breakfast, and Link made a mental note to go into town as soon as possible.

As the hylian man left the kitchen and opened his bedroom door, he was greeted by a large head sticking in from the window. Link chuckled quietly and stroked the animal's brown muzzle, "Good morning, Epona."

Link walked over to his wardrobe and changed into an old, green, and faded tunic and plain brown pants that were ripped at his shins. He wrapped a leather belt around his waist and attached his burlap wallet to it.

"We've got a lot of work ahead of us today," Link told his horse companion, "We've gotta go to town, plow the field, and get water from the mountain!"

Epona snorted in protest.

Link rolled his eyes, "Don't sass me!"

Epona gave her companion a soft neigh, earning a gentle smile from the hylian. Link exited his bedroom and quickly washed up in the bathroom. He returned to the kitchen and found Olly pawing at the front door. Link put his boots on and opened the door.

As Olly rushed outside, Link took a deep breath. A gentle breeze brushed his face, along with the acres of grass and cornstalks stretched before him. Link's family farm sat near the top of the large mountain, the village resting at its base. The sun was nearly fully risen, leaving just a light touch of orange left against the blue sky. It was still fairly warm for mid autumn, but the trees surrounding the farm were still those bright orange, reds, and yellows.

The hylian farmer turned to the barn next to his home and slid open the doors. Two black and brown dogs greeted Link excitedly.

Link kneeled down and ruffled the dogs' fur, "Hey girls! Ready for breakfast?"

Link grabbed both of the dogs bowls and filled them with kibble from the large tin to the immediate right of the barn's entrance. The two dogs sat and waited patiently for their owner to put their bowl down and give the command.

Link set the bowls down, "Okay!" he chirped. The dogs immediately began eating as Link stood up straight and walked further into the barn. The somewhat large barn was filled with large light blue coated goats- each having its own stall, though few shared a stall with a kid or two. Each adult goat had large curly horns, and each kid had a bell around its neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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