chapter three: hotel rooms

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Meet Me On the Equinox - Death Cab for Cutie

Walking out to my mailbox, I find a yellow package and almost rip it to shreds the second I see it. This is the plane ticket that I bought a few days ago. It says so on the front of the package. The ticket falls into my hand and I look at it with a big smile. My flight takes off tonight at 5 PM.

I run back into my house, throwing the scraps of the packaging away. I dash over to the phone and dial my mom's number. Putting the phone to my ear, I go over to my living room and sit down.

She answers after three rings. "Hi, honey," she greets. She sounds delighted to see me call her.

"Mom!" I pounce, excited.

"What?!" I think the amount of happiness in my voice startled her. "Did something happen?"

Still staring at the ticket, I chuckle. "So... I know this is probably going to sound dumb and reckless... but I bought a plane ticket to go see Leon. He doesn't know that I'm doing this."

"Oh, Flora, that's great! Wasn't the price pretty hefty, though?" She asks.

My grin disappears slowly. "I mean, yeah... but I think it's worth it." My voice goes dark. "I miss him, Mom."

"Aw, I know. I just don't want you to go broke. Also, don't you think Leon should at least know you're going to see him? I mean, where are you even going to find him?" I guess I never thought about that...

What am I going to do?

"Well... If anything, he's probably at the White House. Something is going on with the president tomorrow. I'm sure he'll be there." I don't pay attention to the news, that's all I know so far.

"But you aren't an agent there, sweetie. You probably won't see him." She sounds very sad.

I sigh. "I'll figure things out, Mom. Trust me. I'm Flora Smith. They know me. I can say I'm a survivor of Raccoon City."

"I have faith in you." I can still hear so much doubt in her voice.

"I promise, Mom. I know what I'm doing." But in reality, I don't actually know exactly what I'm doing. I could be getting myself into a lot of trouble.

After saying goodbye to my mom, I go to my room and grab my black suitcase. It's got a pretty decent size. A decent size for a trip to Washington D.C. Now since I plan on trying to get myself to see Leon, that could mean I could possibly meet some very high-class and intelligent individuals. I have to pick out a nice fitting and formal outfit.

A lot of my clothes are causal and comfy but for this occasion that will not be what I wear.

Disassociating myself from the public really put me off fashion-wise. I started not dressing as fancy and I began putting little to almost no effort into my clothing choices. H&M was probably my favorite go-to store for some cheap formal clothing but I stopped shopping there after the events of Raccoon City.

There is one blazer in the back of my closet, though. It's a bit big on me but I'm sure that's all I've got to wear. It's just a black one. I take it out and put it in my suitcase. Wearing a white t-shirt under it wouldn't be so bad. I also pick out a pair of my black skinny jeans to wear with it. Shoes... What do I do for shoes?

For the next thirty minutes, I'm practically throwing shoes around my bedroom, trying to figure out which ones work. Which ones look good. Sneakers aren't acceptable. I don't have heels... Then my eyes catch onto the one pair of shoes I hadn't considered or even looked at.

My Chelsea black leather Doctor Martens. They've got some platforms to them but that's also the only shoe in my closet that works with my outfit and is semi-appropriate. I don't bother thinking about it too hard. I put them in my suitcase. I also pack myself some extra clothing, clothing that isn't formal. Just something comfortable. I throw in my toothbrush, a hairbrush, perfume, and deodorant. I don't know exactly how long I'm going to be in Washington D.C. and if I need to leave then I can use the ticket to come back home. I just really hope things work out for me in the end.

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