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As Kate flipped through her memory album with her and her mother, she stared at the pictures and let tears drip from her eyelashes. All she could do was think about the "random gang violence" that had snatched her mother from her. Her mother had been innocent. She had done nothing wrong, and she was now dead while her killer was wandering free. That truth was sickening to Kate, and until she found the person responsible, she wouldn't rest for even a moment.

While a single tear fell from her eyelash, dropping onto an image of her mother and father both smiling into the camera before them, so blissfully happy and unaware, Kate bit back on her lip to keep the sound of her tears from echoing in the darkness of her near empty bedroom. As her hand came down, trembling atop the image of everything she lost, she swallowed hard and pulled back every impulse she had to continue sobbing. Just as she did, she let a shuttering breath pass over her lips in an attempt to calm herself. Her hand combed over her cheek and through her hair as she regained the strength she'd lost. As soon as she was settled, she closed the book and set it aside.

It was late, easily ten thirty or so. By now her father would either be passed out on the couch, back from whatever bar he hit tonight, or he would have left a message on the machine telling her to come get him. It would depend on how drunk he was. Needing to know that he was safe for the night, she wandered downstairs. At the foot of the stairs, wiping the final tear from her cheek, she pocketed her hand and started toward the machine when she saw his chair was empty.

In the kitchen, as she looked at the phone, she realized there hadn't been a single call she missed. Concern began to creep into the pit of her stomach, and she lifted her phone from its charger on the counter. Just as she did, it began to buzz. She flipped it open. "Dad?"

"No," a strange man's voice said, "I'm here at a bar with him though. I take it this is Katie?"

"Is he alright," Kate panicked.

The man replied, "Well... he's been in a small accident. He's fine, he just hit his head and he won't let us take him to the hospital."

The girl sighed. "Yeah, that sounds like him."

"Well, he said I should call you, so... here we are."

"Alright, which bar is he at? I'll come get him."

"The Old Haunt," the man said.

Kate had no idea where that was. "He's where?"

"It's a small place off the northwest corner of 57th and Reign," the man said, quickly offering, "Look, I can take him to the hospital if you want. Or we can call the paramedics to come take him. I'm sure it would be easier for you."

"No, it's- it's fine. There's no way he's going to let you move him. I'll be there in ten, just- try to get him some ice or something. I'll pay when I get there." She then hung up before the man on the other end could say another word.

After she circled the block once, having missed the bar the first time, she parked as close to the door as she could and started down the stairs, wondering how on earth she was going to get him up them without just carrying him and breaking her back. As she pushed through the door and prepared her apologies, she was entirely unprepared to see the face she was met with.

As Richard Castle stood, telling the bartender to his left, "I'm going to wait for her, make sure she finds the place," she was frozen in a moment of disbelief. He then turned to face her, his bright eyes meeting hers the moment he saw her, and he smiled. "Or not. I guess you found the place okay."

"Yeah," she replied, slightly awestruck. She then shook herself out of it, asking, "Where is he?"

He replied with a swinging if his hands, gesturing toward an open booth, "Right this way."

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