they're back

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Im gonna try to post more since i got nothing better to do and i think the parts will be longer from now

Its 1 hour later and they hear a car driving in the street
Quackity: they're back-
Y/n: yep
The front door opens and ofc sapnap didnt even say hello
Sapnap: OoOoOo there is the pregnant woman
Y/n: im not fucking pregnant!!!
Sapnap: u sure, i mean you're sick, you've got a lot of mood swings and-
Quackity: sapnap just fuck off go to sleep or something
Sapnap: nah im not really tired yet
Quackity: then please just stop bc its not funny at all
Sapnap sits next to y/n and quackity
Sapnap: soo how many more months?
Karl: sapnap i think you should stop-
Y/n: yea he should
Sapnap: you all really cant take a joke-
Y/n: no you cant make a funny joke, thats the problem
Y/n gets up
Y/n: im going to bed, bye
Quackity: same, night!
Quackity and y/n walk upstairs
Quackity: you should take some water
Y/n: no ill be fine
Quackity: no take some water, just a little bit okay?
Y/n: alright fine..
Y/n walks back downstairs drinks a glass of water and walks back upstairs
Quackity: did you drink water?
Y/n: yea
They just sit and for a while and then y/n gets up and runs to the bathroom
Quackity: y/n are you oka-
Quackity didnt even have to finish his sentence and he heard y/n throw up again, he enters the bathroom
Quackity: maybe drinking water wasnt a good idea
He walks up to y/n and grabs her hair
Y/n: thanks
Quackity holds her hair up with one hand and rubs his orther hand against her back
Y/n: im tired
Quackity: you should get some sleep
Y/n: yea
Y/n cleans her mouth real quick and they walk back to their room
Y/n: idk if y'all are gonna do anything tomorrow but im staying home
Quackity: i dont think we're gonna do anything if you're sick, they were planning on having a party but i dont think they're gonna do that tomorrow
Y/n: i hope they wont
Quackity: im sorry for what happend with sapnap btw
Y/n: its okay, he's just been making these annoying jokes since we're back home
Quackity: yep
They just talk for a while and then they decised to go sleep
The next morning
Y/n: Goodmorning!
Quackity: morning
Y/n: did you sleep well?
Quackity: yea
Y/ns phone keeps getting notifications
Y/n: idk who is texting me but its annoying-
Y/n grabs her phone
Y/n: what the fuck-
Quackity: who texted you
Y/n: like over 20 ppl texted me on snapchat
Y/n unlocks her phone and checks the notifications, she notices one of her friends is still texting her

Y/n wtfff, couldnt you tell me earlyer
Im still happy for you tho

wait what happend

Are you dumb
Check your story

Y/n checks her story
Y/n: WTF
Quackity: What happend?!
Y/n: Omg i am done with this-
Y/n throws her phone on the bed and walks downstairs
(Quackitys pov)
Quackity: Y/n wait!!! Whats going on!!!
Y/n doesnt awnser, so Quackity decises to check her phone and he sees a picture on her story saying "im pregnant <3"
Quackity: wtf-
He hears y/n downstairs
(Y/ns pov)
Sapnap: Chill- whats wrong
Quackity comes running downstairs
Quackity: Sapnap wtf is your problem
Sapnap: What can happen?! She can get mad.. ohh my gooodddddd now we're gonna die
Y/n: Whats wrong with you! Omg
Y/n turns around and walks back upstairs
Quackity: its not funny Sapnap-
Dream comes walking downstairs
Dream: what just happend and why was y/n yelling at you-
Sapnap: they cant take a joke thats why
Quackity: its not funny at all
Dream: idk what happend but i think you took it too far Sapnap- ive never seen y/n this mad before
Quackity: im gonna check up on her
Quackity walks to their bedroom
Quackity: y/n are you okay?
Y/n: cant you just leave
Quackity: no
Quackity walks up to y/n and sits next to her and he noticed shes crying
Quackity: y/n look at me
Y/n: what?
Quackity: try to explain the ppl who saw it what happend okay?
Y/n: i already tried but everyone thinks im lying!
Quackity: give me one second i will be right back
Quackity tells sapnap to come upstairs (Quackity was still upstairs when he told him to) some minutes later sapnap came walking up the stairs
Sapnap: why did i need to come?
Quackity: you're gonna appologize to y/n right now and you're gonna make everyone believe her that it wasnt true
Sapnap: okay..
Sapnap opens the door
Sapnap: look y/n im sorry
Y/n: leave my room please
Sapnap: well bye i guess-
Sapnap walks away
Y/n: anyways- wanna go skateboarding, i mean i could use some distraction
Quackity: i cant skateboard and i dont have one
Y/n: wait ill be right back
Y/n runs to her car as fast as possible and then she comes back holding 2 skateboarding
Y/n: i already knew you dont have a skateboard so i took my old one :)
Quackity: wait.. you already planned this whole skateboarding date thingy
Y/n: yep, it isnt a date btw i mean we could make it a date and get dinner after, i know a place where we can eat
Quackity: sounds great!
Y/n: let me just do my make-up real quick
Quackity: okay ill be waiting downstairs

I hope y'all liked this part <3

Tommy's sister y/n (Y/n x Quackity)Where stories live. Discover now