Chapter 1- Vampire or Ghost?

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"Unbelievable! Sirena Von Boo just pulled off a double somersault, in reverse! Once again, thanks to Monster High's iconic superstar, Sirena Von Boo, it looks like the Plankton Prep diving team is all but sunk!"

"Go, Lagoona!" I cheered as the girl climbed onto the diving board.

"When are you ready to do that again?" Twyla smiled, appearing next to me from the shadows.

I shook my head, my smile falling. I wasn't ready to be my old self again. I didn't know if I was going to be my old self again. "I don't know. Things have gotten better since I became a vampire."

Twyla frowned. "But that's not your true self, (Y/n)."

"I'll figure it out soon."

I moved from Haunted High a long time ago. I had to leave a lot of my friends and my reputation. I was teased for being a ghost when I got to Monster High, so Twyla gave me some sand so I could turn into a vampire.

She sunk back into the shadows as I cheered for Lagoona. I placed my hands on my face. I smiled at my four friends. They were cheering for Lagoona, perfectly synchronized and bubbly.

"And up next, Cali Mari, diving for the first time for Plankton Prep."

The octopus splashed into the water, making the crowd wince. I shook my head, thinking about what Twyla said. Was I ready to be a ghost again?

I needed air, I decided. I got up, picking up my bag. It contained many paints, including the paint bombs I created myself. They were dried into balls, but the fun part comes when they come into contact with a surface. They explode and turn into liquid paint, making the paint pattern unpredictable.

"I'm out. I'm gonna go paint," I said to Spectra, passing her as I neared the end of the row.

"Do you have anything for our blog?" Spectra asked, her pencil and notepad ready in her hand.

"Not that I know of." I shook my head and walked away.

I had a secret part of the school where I could paint the walls. Headmistress Bloodgood and Operetta didn't even know about the place. I sighed as I walked into the room, admiring my old murals. I placed my phone next to the paint cans and started the base.

My phone went off, and I knew it was our blog. I picked it up and furrowed my eyebrows, reading the article Spectra posted. The werewolves didn't have werefleas. That's not even a thing.

I walked out when school was over and spotted Twyla. She had the ghost sand in her hand. I sighed, almost nervous to walk up to her. She was my best friend, but I didn't like it when she tried to push me into being a ghost again.

"When you're ready." Twyla poured some of the sand into a vial and handed it to me. "I want that back empty by next week. Got it?"

"Got it."

I leaned my head back on the bus, looking at the bottle longingly. That little thing could turn me back into a ghost. I didn't enjoy being a vampire all that much, but I had to deal with it. Otherwise, I would go back to being teased again.

The next day during lunch, I spent the entire time painting. I moved onto another part of the wall and looked at it for a moment. I wanted to try a new technique called blind painting. I closed my eyes and picked up a spray can, shaking it. I sprayed a random part, then another part with a different color. I continued the process until I used multiple colors.

I opened my eyes and smiled at the (f/c) and green mixed. His and my colors. I made a mix of the colors in the middle of it, along with the other sections. Art was my life. I was actually taking classes to try to become a professional.

"Woah, I didn't know you had this down here." Spectra's voice.

"Spectra." I jumped, startled. "I didn't know you came down here."

"I need your help, and you need to be a ghost to do it," Spectra explained.

I shook my head. "Spectra."

Spectra took the bottle from me and uncorked it. "Please, (Y/n)."

I sighed. "Do it." I closed my eyes, readying for the feeling of floating to come over me.

It finally came and my (f/c)-themed outfit turned into my regular ghostly outfit. I twirled. The spark in me smoked. I took Spectra's hand with a smile as we floated up to the attic.

She took a key out of a skull and unlocked the door. We heard a noise and jumped. We continued up to the attic and Spectra tore off the paper blocking the portal. We held hands as we were sucked into the portal.

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