Chapter 6- Turning Monsters Into Ghosts

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I shook my head at the teens talking around us. All the rumors of the solids wanting to do horrible things to ghosts. We're all monsters, no matter what kind we are. Why can't anybody see that?

"Is something wrong?" Porter asked as we sat down at a table.

"No. Just thinking about Spectra. She wrote about werefleas, which are not even a thing, but it was gossip that she heard it from. And it was hurtful to one of my friends," I explained.

"But isn't that what your blog is all about? Gossip?" Porter questioned.

"Not anymore. Spectra and I are changing things. No more gossip. Only facts," I decided.

Porter put his hand on mine, smiling. We haven't had moments like this in a while.


"Oh my ghoul! You guys came back," I said excitedly, turning toward my friends. "And you're ghosts!"

Clawdeen smiled. "Yeah, long ghost story."

"But don't worry. Clawdeen wrote it down," Spectra admitted.

Clawdeen showed me her journal.

"Beautiful," I said, admiring the drawing of the Boogie Mansion.

"But right now, we gotta get you out of that chain and back to the Monster World," Twyla explained.

"Well, things just got a lot more complicated. It's not just me. All the ghosts from Monster High are stuck here too," I replied.

"It's Principal Revenant and those Hall Moanitors. They're up to something," Porter said.

I looked over and saw Present give a ghost a detention for doing nothing.

"This is getting out of hand," Kiyomi said. "They're giving detention for everything now. Look at how many chains there are in here!"

Present appeared in front of her, and she jumped. "Don't you know staring is against the rules?"

"Staring? No! I don't even have a face," Kiyomi said defensively.

"Then talking back to a Hall Moanitor," Present said.

"That too is against the rules," Future agreed.

"You can't give her detention! She didn't do anything!" Draculaura protested.

"Principal Revenant, we have a situation here," Past stated.

Principal Revenant appeared. "These ghouls, they're not ghosts. At least they weren't ghosts before. These are solids!"

"You've turned yourselves into ghosts! I need to know how. You will tell me how to turn monsters into ghosts," Principal Revenant demanded.

"Don't," Porter hissed.

"Stay out of this, paintergeist," Present warned.

I reached into my bag, ready.

"Do it," Principal Revenant said.

A chain reached out and Kiyomi jumped in front of Draculaura. It wrapped around her waist as she blocked Draculaura. Immediately, a paint bomb exploded. It was a little bigger than normal.

"Draculaura, fly!" Kiyomi shouted.

"Stop those ghosts!"

"Incoming!" Vandala exclaimed.

"Go right!" Porter instructed, grabbing my hand in the process.

We flew down through the floor and into the library. Porter led us to the back of the library, which I found somewhat familiar. "There, in there!" We flew through the bookcase and I froze.

"Porter, what is this place?" Spectra asked.

"Un-boo-lievable," Sirena breathed.

"This must've taken ages to paint," Twyla commented.

"Woah. This must be a sick hideout."

"It doesn't look like anyone's."

"Then why don't we make it our own?"

"Just close your eyes, relax, and... paint."

"You ghouls will be safe in here. Nobody knows about this room except me and (Y/n)," Porter explained.

"What is all this back here?" Twyla asked, pulling back a curtain.

"Just a bit of your stuff," Porter said, looking at me.

I flew over to the curtain, pulling it apart while marveling. "You left a couple things in your locker, and I thought you might come back one day, so..."

"So, why do you think Principal Revenant went all crazy about turning monsters into ghosts?" Clawdeen asked.

"Yeah. What does she want with that boogie sand?" Kiyomi added.

"We didn't tell you about the boogie sand," Twyla said, confused.

"Wow, Kiyomi! You were there! You were the orb at the boogie mansion! You're the one haunting me!" Draculaura realized.

Kiyomi stuttered for a moment before she stopped and hung her head. "Yes. I'm so sorry."

"Why, Kiyomi?" Draculaura asked.

"I wasn't trying to haunt you, or scare you. I just... love what I see at Monster High! You guys are all so cool with your freaky flaws, so nice to each other, and talk about fang-tastic style," Kiyomi admitted.

"Well, we are pretty stylish," Draculaura giggled nervously.

"I used to be so shy. But, spending time with you ghouls at Monster High... I don't know. It made me feel more colorful!" Kiyomi said. "I wanted to tell you. But then (Y/n) got detention chains, and I felt so guilty because I was the reason you all came here in the first place."

"It's not your fault, Kiyomi. It's that no-good principal," Draculaura said.

"Yeah, what are we going to do? We can't hide in here forever," Clawdeen reasoned.

"As much as I'd like to, we can't. This has to stop. I'm going to go talk to her," I decided.

"Woah, woah, wait! You can't!" Porter protested.

"Someone has to make Principal Revenant realize she's going too far," I argued.

"But she's... scary. She may do anything," Porter replied.

"We already have detention chains. We graffitied the whole outside school as a protest once and all we got was an order to scrub it off. It can't get any worse," I said, smiling at the memory.

"I could lose you," Porter breathed, taking my hands in his.

I smiled at him. I kissed his cheek. "You won't."

I flew off, realizing even the bad boy had a soft side.

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