Chapter 4- Twenty-Thousand Essays, and Not a Second to Lose

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Revenant sat back in her seat. "Well, well, well. Miss (L/n). We meet again."

"Hello, Principal Revenant. Long time, no see," I replied.

"You certainly caused quite a scene," she stated. "This needs no explanation, giving your history."

"Principal Revenant, I've changed. I'm not the person I was a long time ago. You can ask Headmistress Bloodgood. I'm not the vandalist I was," I reasoned.

She shook her head. "I seriously doubt that."

I sighed. "What do I need to do to wear this off?"

"Complete ten thousand essays on the complete works of Ghostoyeffski. And then doing it one more time." Principal Revenant smirked. "You won't get to paint for a while now."

Future slammed the books into my hands and I floated off toward the library. I shoved my headphones over my ears as the books floated around me. I floated my bag off to the side as I started a paper.

I pulled down my headphones after the first five, sighing as my hand ached. I twirled my wrist as I gathered up my stuff. I headed to the Creepateria, hoping I could work there. Unfortunately, peace was not what I was given.

"Oh, look, it's the outsider," a ghoul snickered.

I sat down at a table as the ghoul's table laughed at me. My irritation grew, and I heard the ghoul shriek. I turned around and saw that a paint bomb had gone off in her face. I smirked and wiped it clean. Didn't need another incident reported.

"Nice trick, solid!" a boy yelled.

"Revive me now," I groaned. "I just want to go home."

River sat across from me. "What's at home?"

"I had this entire room where I could sneak off to and just paint." I sighed. "I miss home." I looked at the clock. "I got school. See ya."

"See ya," River said as I flew off.

I sat at a desk as the teacher handed us papers. I felt a marker on my hand retracing the green heart with a marker so it was brighter. I smiled and made a (f/c) heart that overlapped the green heart.

He scooted his desk closer to mine and sneakily looked through my bag. He smirked. I shook my head as I moved his hand away from my bag. I was let go early and headed off to the library to do more essays. I did the same thing as before. I finished an essay and pulled down my headphones.

"You know, you could've said hi to me when you came here," Porter said, looking through the paints in my bag.

"I was too ashamed. I've changed a lot," I admitted.

Porter shook his head. "Not really."

I frowned. "I usually get you out of trouble. Both of us ended up in trouble instead."

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm sorry for blaming you."

I turned around and looked at him. He had a look of love in his eyes. I placed a hand on his chest as he pulled me in by the waist. I nodded, and he softly placed his lips on mine. It was just like before, romantic and passionate. I only pulled away so I could fully grasp the reality of the situation.

"I missed you," I mumbled.

"I missed you too. I've read the blog that you and Spectra write together. That's pretty much how I knew you were still there." Porter paused. "So you're kind of a reporter-journalist now, right?"

I shrugged. "I like to think so."

"Good, because I need help. Uh, journaling," Porter lied.

"The Porter Geiss needs help journaling?" I teased.

"Principal Revenant," Porter stated.

"What about her?" I asked curiously.

"I know she's up to something. Something bad. I want your help to find out what it is," Porter explained. "All the rules and chains she gives out. There's gotta be more to it than just handing out detention. It's worse than it's ever been. It's not fair. It's not right! I've got to find out why, but I need help. I need someone smart, like you, to help me." Porter smiled.

I smiled back. "Meet me here after classes."

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