Chapter 1

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This story contains scenes that describe torture!!

"Midoriya Izuku. Please come down to the principal's office immediately."

Midoriya's head shot up, his eyes filled with terror. All his classmates started snickering.

"Quirkless Deku is in trouble~"

"He's useless yet he still manages to cause trouble for others. How pathetic."

"Why can't he just kill himself and save everyone the trouble already."

'Ouch.' He winced, 'Why are kids so cruel.'

"Midoriya, hurry up. Stop stalling the lesson." Snapped Mr Ryo.

"R-right! Sorry." Midoriya hurriedly packed his bags and rushed out the door whilst being mindful of his wounds. He arrived at the principal's office and knocked tentatively before opening it. He saw his principal and two people in suits.

"Ah, Midoriya, come in. Close the door behind you."

Midoriya hesitantly shuffled into the room and shut the door. He stood awkwardly with his hands twisting nervously in front of him, swaying back and forth slightly.

"These are representatives of the HPSC, Saeki Kei and Amano Hisako." The principal said, gesturing to the man, then the woman, before grinning, "And they're here to take you in. I'm sure you've heard of The Quirkless Law Act?"

Midoriya panicked. Of course, he'd heard of it, how could he not have? It was a quirkless person's biggest fear. "W-wait, don't-don't you need to u-uh a-ask my m-mom?"

"We already have her consent, Midoriya-kun." The man, Saeki, said.

Midoriya felt hurt, betrayed, and slightly confused. His mom knew that he didn't want to do this. He's told her before, so why? Why would she do this?

He let them drag him out the door, feeling defeated.


"Subject 3039, Sex; boy. Age: 11. Height: below average. Weight: Average. Experiment 1, Phase 1: Electricity. 50 volts, 20 seconds."

An ear-splitting scream echoed through the halls.

"Experiment 1, Phase 6: Electricity, 70 volts, 40 seconds."

His throat was hoarse and sore from all the screaming, but that didn't stop the cries of pain that escaped his lips.

"Evaluation of Experiment 1: Reached final phase. Electricity resistance is higher than average. Proceed with Experiment 2, Phase 1: Fire and heat."

'Ah..this one's more bearable..' He thought tiredly.

"Evaluation of Experiment 2: Went beyond the final phase. Fire resistance is very high. Proceed with Experiment 3: Drowning."

Midoriya knew that he shouldn't scream when underwater, but he was too tired to think straight. So for the thousandth time that day, he screamed.

"Day 1: Experiment 1, Experiment 2, and Experiment 3 completed. Has high resistance to electricity and fire."


"Day 15: Experiment 45: Regeneration."

"W-what?! N-no!" Midoriya protested, eyeing the tray of tools as he tried to break free from the metal chair they strapped him down to.

"Don't worry, we have someone that can revert anything to its 'original form," Saeki stated. Then, he grinned sadistically. "Though, I can't promise that it'll be painless."

Midoriya opened his mouth to speak up again, only to scream as he felt his finger get cut off.

'Well...happy birthday to me I guess...' He thought before passing out.


"Day 31, Experiment 93, final experiment: Psychological."

At this point, Midoriya was only able to tell what day it was because they announced it before they started an experiment.

'Last day, I got this.' Were his last thought before falling asleep.

Midoriya woke up in his bedroom. He was overjoyed, he was finally free after a whole year! He ran out of his bedroom, noticing that the hallway seemed longer than usual.

'Maybe it's because I haven't been home for a long time.' He pondered. He heard a scream.

He started running as fast as he could, stopping in front of the kitchen. He walked in, only to be greeted by nothing except a trail of blood. It looked like something was dragged across the floor. He hesitantly followed it, only stopping in front of a door that was never meant to be there. He reached for the handle only to stop when he noticed blood seeping through the bottom of the door, making a small puddle.

He took a deep breath and opened the door, only to find his mother, being held at gunpoint, staring at him with wide, terrified eyes. "Help me, Izuku." He reached a hand towards her but it was too late, he watched, horrified as his mother got shot in the head.

He jolted awake, tears streaming down his face.

"Experiment 93, phase 1 complete. Proceed to phase 2.''

He was forced to watch his mother, friends, and people he cared about die. Over and over again.

"Experiment 93, final phase complete."


"Welcome home Izuku! I missed you!"

'Why'd you even let them take me in the first place?' He thought bitterly, but instead of saying so, he gave his mom a tired smile, "I missed you too, mum!"

"How was it?" She inquired, a curious look on her face.

He thought back to all the times he was burnt, drowned, beaten. "It was alright. I'm feeling quite tired, may I be excused for the night?"

She smiled at him, her eyes crinkling, "Of course! Rest well, honey! I love you!"

He scoffed internally, 'No, no you don't, if you really did love me, you would have respected my wished and listened to what I said about this stupid act.'

He smiled, "Yeah, love you too, mom."


Midoriya was out on a walk to clear his mind from...well everything when he heard a familiar shout.


Midoriya sighed wearily, "Kacchan."

Kacchan let small explosions gather in his hands, "WHAT'S WITH THE TONE STUPID DEKU?!"

Midoriya flinched backwards, "S-sorry, I'm just really tired."

Bakugou seemed to falter at that, whether it was from the pure terror in his tone. Or maybe it was the way his eyes looked, the way they looked like they'd seen every horror on Earth. Perhaps it was the way his shoulders drooped like they held the weight of the world.

"Tch. Whatever stupid Deku." Bakugou shoved his hands into his pockets and stormed away. Midoriya let out a sigh of relief.

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