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Maglinis was walking on the repairing station of the Union, he noticed some soldiers talking and listened

Union soldier: "why do we serve the emperor?"

Union soldier 2: "I dont know, I joined for killing anyway"

Union soldier: "know that I think of it ain't we just serving a corpse?"

Maglinis broke his face up underneath his helmet. His blood boiled he took out his axe and readied a bolt of lightning

Union soldier: "do you hear cackling?"

The blasphemous soldier turned around to be greeted with a bolt of lightning striking his face the soldier died from the bold on impact the 2nd soldier looked at his companion and didn't say anything he took out his sword and took a stance he was about to strike but Maglinis teleported through him cutting him in half from head to toe. The alarm went off and the jeagers was the first to respond Maglinis swung the blood off his axe and walked past them

Wave: "what the hell happened?!"

Maglinis:"blasphemous talk against our emperor"

Maglinis' voice was low and quiet. He doesn't regret his decisions he was true to his word he disregard the value of lives... at least that how the union thinks of him

Now back to Dark Wrath
Y/n pov:

I was at the landing pad that was constructed for the dropships, rask found a decent number of materials and Diplos was having a bit of trouble building the vox comms since the world was primitive and the resources are lacking, the time that will take has been increased. Aryia has appeared in the distance with the ships espidon outfitted a small band of Bloodletters about 15 that will act as our infantry we chose to let the chaos marines stay to lighten the load the kids will be staying aswell the main team is going.

Aryia landed the ships and espidon outfitted the bloodletters and directed them aboard we got on the ship aswell and took off we flew towards the direction of the castle we would arrive soon

*Eleven hours later*

The castle came into sight we landed in the forest outside of their range but there's no doubt that we were sighted the hatches came of and we stepped in green forest land and marched.

Espidon: "this land is perfect for corruption, strong land, heartless people, and brutal monsters!"

Diplos: "indeed it is brother but I'm surprised the union didn't find us yet"

Rask: "probably scared"

Diplos: "I doubt it the union ain't pushovers they did slaughter a considerable amount of the space marines"

Y/n: "they are training most likely. the union is not lazy and the casualties that they suffered will serve undoubtedly be costly"

Marquis: " I hope my family is doing alright"

Y/n: don't worry Marquis I made sure to place guards and other symbols to monitor them"

We heard a leaf crunched diplos instinctively threw a dagger in the direction we heard a squeal and a body dropping it was just a pig, we advanced towards the town we came to a opening area we gazed upon the castle with amazement.

Y/n: "impressive"

Hunter and his beast appeared next to us aswell

Y/n: "how was the scouting?"

Hunter: "well carmilla's info wasn't wrong there are 4 people to be wary of one wields a long sword another a flail and the 3rd uses magic i can smell it on her the 4th though... he's the strongest you can sense the time of the ages on him"

FOR CHAOS (Chaos Space Marine Male Reader x Massive crossover)Where stories live. Discover now