" Shocking Announcement . Traitor Attack."

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The battle still continue. Both sides suffered  heavy casualties. The only thing that can make them fight is their will to determine which side is the strongest.

“ Fight!!! We must fight to the end!!Fight!!!” Darren shouted.

The Coordinators starting to gather their energy to fight back.
Suddenly, Darren's walkie-talkie starting to make a sound.

“ Darren. Come in, Darren.” Midnight said.

Darren quickly answered the walkie-talkie.

“ I'm kinda busy here. Talk to me later.” Darren said.

“ Senpai!! Someone just busted Kai out of his prison cell. He's escaped.” Midnight said.

“ My God!!! We're too late.” said Darren.

As Darren fight the Order soldiers, he make a judgement call. He grabbed the walkie-talkie and communicate with other Coordinators.

“ Have anyone see Kai walking out from the Headquarters??” Darren asked.

“ Negative.” said the Coordinators from the south side.

“ I don't see him.” said the Coordinators from the north side.

“ I can only see dead bodies but no Kai.” said the Coordinators from the east side.

“ He didn't walked out from the Headquarters yet. What is he thinking??” Darren asked himself.

Darren change the channel to communicate with Midnight.

“ Midnight, come in. Midnight.” asked Darren.

“ Yes, Senpai. We are here!!” Midnight replied.

“ Midnight, if Kai is still in the Headquarters, I want you to kill him. We cannot take any chances. There will be no public execution for him. He must die today.” said Darren.

“ Leave it to me, Senpai. I'm waiting for my whole life for this.” Midnight said.

Midnight turned off the walkie-talkie.
One of the Coordinators run towards Darren.

“ Senpai!! There's too many of them. What should we do??” asked one of Midnight's crew.

“ Hold them off. Don't stop.” said Darren.

“ We will stay with you until the end!!!” said the crew.

Midnight's crew start to fight back the Order soldiers. Some of them died, some of them still continue to fight the Order.

“ Come on, Aniiki. Where are you???” asked Darren.

Meanwhile, in the nearest city, Akihito is fighting an army of Order soldiers.

“ We will claim our freedom today!! No Coordinators will stand in our way.” said one of the soldier.

“ If I'm still standing. Your chance to live is none because I'm going to make you suffer.” Akihito threatened.

Akihito slowly run towards the Order soldier and begin to fight all of them. The Order has nothing to regret. They still fighting Akihito for the freedom of human.

Meanwhile, on top of the Headquarter's roof, Kai carried Sarah and slowly put her on the ground.
Slowly, he wake Sarah to help him with something.

“ Hey!! Wake up..” Kai waked Sarah up.

Slowly, Sarah opened her eyes. As she sees Kai, she back away from him.

“ Stay... Stay away from me!!!” Sarah screamed.

“ Relax. I'm not going to kill you. I got what I need. There's always a time for me to kill you.” said Kai calmly.

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