Sweet Victory.

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" YOU'RE DEAD!!!" Yamano screamed as the robbers starting to run away. Sadly, the police has blocked the back door.

" OPEN THE DOOR!! PLEASE!!! I BEG YOU!!!" One of the robber begged.

" I'm sorry son. He told us to never let the door open." The policeman pushed the door so the robbers cannot escape.

The cops still locks the door. It was too late for them to surrender. Suddenly, inside the supermarket. It's quiet. Suddenly, someone screams in pain. No one knows what happens to the robber. Even the policemen didn't know what happened to the robbers.

Few minutes later, Yamano, Akihito and Darren walks outside the supermarket.

" All done. You can come in now." Yamano told the cops to enter.

The policemen can only see that the robbers are severely bruised by the "the monster behind the human mask".

The police chief is walking towards " The Three Monster."

" The three of you has done a great job. Although, I didn't know what you've done to the robbers but still, thank you for helping us." The police chief relieved.

" It's okay. We didn't get this much action back in the Headquarters." Yamano replied.
" It's time to go home. We're tired from today's work." Akihito told.


Someone walks outside the supermarket while carrying a heavy firearm. He shoots randomly at the crowd. He spots the police chief and aiming at him. Yamano, Akihito and Darren are protecting the police chief using their own body. He suddenly stops shooting and grabs a young girl as a hostage. The girl screams but cannot escape.

"HEY, LET GO OF ME!! PAPA, HELP!!!" the girl screamed and called her father.

The little girl's father is nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, the robber grabs the little girl and put her in a nearby car. He drives the car and run away.

" We must save that girl." Akihito said.
" Darren, you know what to do, right??" Yamano asked. " I know what I'm doing." Darren replied.

Darren holds Yamano and Akihito's arms. He focus on hearing the car's sound. Darren can predict about what's going to happen next. Darren throws Yamano and Akihito right above the car's roof.

" GOOD JOB, DARREN!!!" Akihito shouted at Darren.

On the road, the robbers drives in a zig-zag so Yamano and Akihito loses their grips on the car roof.

" Just surrender already. We will not break your bones if you surrender. That's a good offer." Akihito told. " Stop the car. You dangering other people's lives." Yamano said.

" I'm not going back to jail." The robber replied.

Suddenly, one police car is chasing the robber's car. The police car is right beside it. Yamano punches the window and grabs the little girl. He jumps to the police car and put the little girl on the back of the police car.

" Keep it steady, man." Yamano told the policeman to drive the car with full caution.
" Yes, sir." The man replied. Meanwhile, Akihito punches the car's front window and pulling out the steering wheel.

" You can't drive without a steering wheel, right?" Akihito mocked the head robber.
" What are you doing!?!?" The robber panicked.

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