It's Time For Action.

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" Yusuri-san, are you sure about this?? That dragon-girl looked at me like she wants to eat me." The man panicked.

" It's okay. Just take a deep breath. She will come to you soon." Yamano asked the man to stay calm.

Apparently, Yamano is helping his client to meet his life companion, a dragon-girl.

Yamano Yusuri is a Coordinator. Coordinator is a person that responsible to strengthen the bonds between human and monster-girl in other dimension. Each Coordinators has their own sets of level which is Level One to Level-Five. Many people managed to train themselves to become L-1 to L-3 Coordinators. In this community, they believed that no one is able to train themselves to become an L-4 or L-5 Coordinators because their training regime is the hardest especially Level-5. An ordinary person will not be able to stand again if he or she took the training regime.

There are rumours about a person with high level of confidence. He thinks that he can withstand Level-4 training. Few days later, he was sent to the hospital because...both of his legs lost its function. The man cannot walk anymore.

Suddenly, in one faithful year, news starting to spread. Many people are completely shocked because they heard about  eight people that managed to complete the L-5 training regime. How did these people complete their training?? Nobody knows. Because of this, people starting to call them many names. There is a title suitable for all of them.

" The Monsters behind the Human's Mask."

One of the L-5 Coordinators is Yamano Yusuri. His adopted brother, Akihito Yajima and his best friend, Darren Lensz too, is a L-5 Coordinators. Their skills and strength is greater than the other. Because of that, L-5 Coordinators becomes the mentor for any other Coordinators.

Back to the story.

" Remember what I told you. Dragon-girl likes human male with great moxie." Yamano told his client. " Okay, I will try."
The man replied.

The dragon-girl is currently resting. In that state, dragon-girl is more relax when they are resting. She let the man approaching him.

" Try patting her. Monster-girl really loves headpats." Yamano told his client.

Suddenly, the dragon-girl is asking the man what's his up to.

" Hey!! What are you think you're doing right now??" The dragon-girl asked.
" Headpatting you, of course." The man replied. " I don't know about you but your warm hand is so much cozy. I like it." She replied.

The man continue to pat the dragon-girl.

" There you go. Now, look at your Love Seeker." Yamano asked the man to look at the device on his wrist

The Love Seeker turns red which means the dragon-girl accept the man as her love companion. The man smiles. Finally, he just found his love companion.

" Congratulations. You just found your companion. If you can just walk outside this room. There will be a Coordinator waiting for you." Yamano told his client.
" Thanks, Yusuri-san." The man said.

" My pleasure. It is my duty to help others." Yamano said.

Yamano walks outside the room. He looks at his watch.

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