Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Yami's POV

Half way through the movie Yugi fell asleep on my chest. I looked down at him with his eyes closed and let out a sigh.
"You're so whipped Prince." Marik sniggered.
"Shuddup." I mumbled, glaring at him.
"Awe! Does my little brother have a crush on little Yugi over here?" Atem cooed while reaching up to pinch my cheeks.
"One, you're only older than me by about a minute and two, I do not have a crush on Yugi." I stated firmly.
Atem smirked. "Sure sure Princey." I shifted my body carefully as to not wake up Yugi, so that I could see everyone better. What I didn't expect to see though was Heba asleep on my brothers chest in just the same way Yugi was on mine.
I smirked deviously. "Looks like the Pharaoh has got himself a little crush of his own." Atem's cheeks heated up when I said this, making my smirk grow wider.
"Looks like the Prince and the Pharaoh have found themselves two little boy toys." Marik chuckled darkly.
"MARIK!!" Malik whacked his psychotic Yami over the head making him wince. "Don't you ever speak about my cousins like that! And I'll have you know that Heba is actually older than you."
"The sassy little shrimp is older than me?" Marik laughed, earning another smack from his Hikari.
"Yes, by 6 months. His birthday's in February, so don't go acting like you're the one in charge, because you're not." Marik's face visibly paled at this, making us all laugh, which in turn woke up Yugi and Heba.
Yugi's eyes fluttered open, revealing beautiful Amethyst orbs looking directly at me. He let out a small yawn, which I thought was incredibly cute, before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Everyone just sat looking at each other before Heba broke the silence.
"Right, it's late so we should probably get some sleep. Tomorrow's Thursday so we all still have school. Yami, Atem, you can stay with us for the night if you want to."
"We'd love to Heba, thank you." I smiled at him.
"Ok, so Malik and Marik can sleep in the spare room, no funny business." Heba added noticing Marik's smirk. "Atem you can sleep with me and Yami can sleep with Yugi. Is that alright Yugi?" I looked down to see my Aibou's cheeks turn a nice shade of crimson when he nodded.
"That's fine." He said tiredly. Everyone got up and left the room with a quick goodnight, leaving me and Yugi sitting awkwardly next to each other.
After a little while I decided to lie down and pull the covers over me, gesturing for Yugi to do the same. He lay down and snuggled close to me, almost like he wanted me to hug him. So I did. Yugi sighed with content as I wrapped my arms around him but still didn't close his eyes. I stared at me as if he was studying my face before he spoke quietly.
"I really like you Yami." This shocked me but didn't stop me from replying.
"I really like you to Aibou." I smiled as his face lit up making me chuckle at how happy he was. My gaze darted from Yugi's eyes to his lips and then back to his eyes.
"Can I... Yugi, can I kiss you?" I questioned carefully. He blushed a bright red but then nodded, prompting me to lean towards him. I saw Yugi's eyes flutter closed as he leaned closer as well. My eyes closed just as our lips met, sending fireworks throughout my whole body. The kiss was short, but sweet and tender, holding lots of unshared emotions.
Just as I pulled back for air Yugi leaned forward and captured my lips in another sweet and loving kiss, but one that lasted much longer. We pulled back again for air and stared into each other's eyes.



Chai: Before you go saying anything I know its short but my internet's being a bum and I haven't updated in weeks so I decided to write something quickly. This chapter is only a third of my average word count so I'm cringing. *sees Yugi and Yami making out in a corner*


Yami: Nope, you get a room, we're quite happy here. *returns to kissing Yugi*

Chai: Right, that's it. I'm outta here. Bye.

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