Chapter 15: Breakups & Karaoke

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Sleeping hadn’t come easy that night, the kiss on constant replay in his mind. And was Lois crazy? How could she even compare them? His kisses were even better than Clark remembered. One thing was for certain and that was that Oliver Queen definitely beat Lois in the kissing department. Lois must be nuts if she thinks she can say they’re just “good”. Oliver was more than just good . . . words could not describe how that kiss made him feel.

“Now we’re even.”  What on Earth did Oliver mean by that? The next day, he didn’t even want to get out of bed. But he had chores to do and he knew that staying in bed all day wouldn’t solve anything. So he forced himself up but it almost felt as if he is a robot. He was just going through the motions- getting dressed, having breakfast, doing his chores.

He heard a knock at the door and looked up, relieved to see it was Chloe and not Oliver. Chloe opened the door and entered.

“Hey.” She said.

“Hey, Chlo,” he greeted her. “What’s up?”

“Well, you disappeared on us yesterday,” Chloe teased, “I had to come see you.” She smiled. “At least now I know why you were so eager to protect the Green Arrow.”

He sighed. “I figured it wouldn’t take you long to connect the dots. You’re too smart for the rest of us, Chlo.”

She grinned. “I can’t believe you kissed Lois . . .”

“She kissed me!” He protested. “I never saw it coming.”

“Kissed the girlfriend of the man you’re in love with,” Chloe said, shaking her head. “Ironies of life at work, Clark.”

“It gets better,” Clark told her, “What if I told you the man I loved kissed me last night?”

Chloe looked shell-shocked. “Whoa, wait a minute, Clark! Oliver kissed you? When did this happen? How did you not tell me immediately? Details, Clark, details!”

Glancing at her warily, he recapped the previous evening’s events, starting with Lana’s visit and ending with Oliver’s.

Only when he finished his story did he meet her eyes and smiled slightly when he saw the amazement there. But she didn’t say anything, she just pulled him into a hug. He returned the hug, grateful to be in the comforting embrace of his best friend.

“Clark, I can’t believe it,” she said softly, “No wonder you look so exhausted today.” She pulled away and frowned. “I take back everything I said about Oliver being cool. This is so not cool.”

“He was upset,” Clark said, unable to resist defending him, “I did kiss his girlfriend, who went on to say what a better kisser I was.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Chloe argued, “This was just mean! He totally toyed with your feelings. The two of you have been dancing around each other for a while and he took advantage of how you felt to seek some stupid revenge? I don’t care if he is the Green Arrow, I have half a mind to march over there and kick his ass!”

He couldn’t help but smile at the determined look on her face. Seeing his amused expression, she added, “I can take him you know. Nobody hurts my best friend and gets away with it.”

“I have no doubt, Chlo,” he laughed, “You are quite scary when you’re angry.”

“Damn straight,” she agreed, flexing her muscles. “You better watch out, Kent. I may come after you next.”

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