Ch. 12: Best One

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Dan's POV-

It's been five months since I've seen her.

And everyday it gets a little easier.

I don't think about her as much.

I stopped looking at her profiles.

I unsubscribed her channels.

It's been three months since Phil and I have had a proper chat. The last one he asked me if it was ok if he could take Skye on a proper date. The thing is, I appreciated that, he asked me. Sincerely, if it was fine. We talked about what he said on live stream, the day they kissed, and I understood. I mean, the moment he saw a lion, he fell for it. He had a whirlpool of feels for anything he set his eyes on. It moved in the centre, all the force was pinpointed in centre (his heart, his life), and the waves that surrounded it has no choice to come into the centre. A whirlpool pulls water in and pushes air out. He pulls in the things, people, anything he wants into his centre. And he pushes that that he doesn't need out. He doesn't do it in a cruel way, it's nature.

That day we had a laugh, we even made a video. But, we decided it would be best if it wasn't posted. Phil and I talked forever, he even called my mum, she adored him. It was good to have him back in my life.

He then told me that they were moving to London, he knew Skye had a chance to make a name of herself and he wanted to get her there.

"Dan, I love you. I know we never tell each other this enough. You know, but, I do. And I'm still your mate. You're still my best one. Thank you, I'm so sorry things came out this way. Truly, but," he smiled and sighed, "I have a lioness I must take to the watering hole. Thank you mate." He hugged me and kissed my forehead. I laughed at his emotions, jokingly. "Cheers." And in my best posh voice, "indubitably the watering hole is quite divine this time of year"

I watched him walk down our old path.

He's my best mate, I can't but be happy for him. He watched, front row, as I kissed the girl he loved. I held her hand. Hugged her. I told him everything, and he sat there. His pride breaking. His heart shattering. And he still smiled and told me that my happiness was what made him conquer the pain. And now it's my turn.

Phil's POV-


"Philly!" I heard my name being called. But my lids didn't want to move. "Phil! Come on, it's moving day remember?!" And that's when it clicked. I had to be out of my loft by 1 pm today. But, sleep did feel better. "Mmmmmmrrrrr. No." Was all I could make out.


I smiled to myself.

There was a slight dip I front of me, I felt a warm slow gush of wind hit my lids.

Then it came, the mysterious lips, my body is just getting used to, they were on my lids. "Phil, pwease wake up..."

I slightly shook my head no.

And that's when it all came down on me, Skye attacked my face, chest, arms, and finally lips with hers.

I still didn't open my eyes. But I pulled my arms around her waist.

"Phil let go, you only get me if you wake up..." I started planting my own lips all over her, eyes still closed and my arms pinning her to my bed and I. Her body went from tense to calm. "If I wake up, you promise to wake me up like that more often?" I gave her a cheeky smile. She laughed, "only when I'm truly pissed at you."

I jumped over her, grabbed her by the waist and threw her over my shoulder. "Grawpy! Put me down. Now." I laughed. "Hermione! I'm Ron remember!" I felt her laughter on my shoulders. "My lioness, I must go hunt for your breakfast!" I sat her down on our kitchen island. Since all of our things were already in London, all that was left in our home was our bed and necessities, no furniture for her to sit on.

"Phil, you do know that the lioness is the one who does the hunting right?" She gave me a cheeky smile. "Why yes, I do have a degree in Leology. I know it all. But, let me remind you, whilst Simba is the king of this land, his Nala must be treated like a queen. And that means that she shall not be doing the hunting, unless a wild Meow appears, then you must attack!" I kissed her neck. "Now sit back and watch Simba prounce!"

I made her a Nutella bread with fresh berries, a cup of mixed berry tea and a little slice of key lime. We ate our breakfast, showered, changed, double checked to see if we hadn't forgotten anything.

At 12:50, we sat down in our room, in front of my window that over looked the 'lake'. I pulled out my camera and set it on my window sill. "Last one." I pressed record.

"Hello lovely world. Today, is our last day in our home. And next week you'll be able to see our new one in London. But as it is our last 5 minutes here, I wanted to do something special," I turned to Skye and offered my hand to her. She looked at it quizzically, but took it. I pulled ourselves up and her into me, placed her hand on my shoulder and placed mine on her waist.

We began to slow dance.


We watch the season pull up its own stakes

And catch the last weekend of the last week

Before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced,

Another sun soaked season fades away

You have stolen my heart

You have stolen my heart

Invitation only, grand farewells

Crash the best one, of the best ones

Clear liquor and cloudy-eyed, too early to say goodnight...

You have stolen my heart

You have stolen my heart

And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration

One good stretch before our hibernation

Our dreams assured and we all, will sleep well

Sleep well

Sleep well

Sleep well

Sleep well

You have stolen my....

You have stolen my....

You have stolen my....

You have stolen my heart....

I watch you spin around in your highest heels"

I turned her every so often. She smiled at me and kissed me. Then she proceeded to finish off the song.


You are the best one, of the best ones

We all look like we feel

You have stolen my

You have stolen my

You have stolen my

You have stolen my hear"

We just stood there, looking at each other. She nuzzled her head into my neck. "Sorry, I'm a terrible singer." I spoke into her hair. She smiled into my neck.

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