Ch. 30: Infinite

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"Hold still Dansito." Daniel 'jr' was struggling to keep still, he knew that the moment his mother woke him up to mark the new placement of his height on the wall, there would be loads of presents waiting for him in the living room. "Mummy, can I just go first and do this later?" Skye smiled at her son, "uh- no. This is tradition, we're not shifting it around." Dan smiled a coy smile at his mother. He watched as his mother moved herself, held her focus on the spot right above his head, lightly biting her lip ring while slowly marking the spot. He smiled at how pretty his mummy was. Skye then poked her tongue out at him, "Why are you staring at me?" He giggled. "Mummy, you're pretty." She smiled and scooped him up off the floor. "Why do you think you're so cute? Mummy gave you the cute genes." Dan giggled again. "Hey! I heard that!" Phil came around the corner, he smiled at what he was looking at. His wife and child. He outstretched his arms towards Dan. "Papi!" Dan squeeled."How old are you Danis?" Phil poked Dan in the belly. "Uhm. Two!" He yelled. "2-years-young" Skye wrote above the line. "Want to go see your gifts?" Dans face lit up. "Yeahhhhhhhhh!" He pushed himself out of Phil's arms and ran down stairs to the common room. Skye and Phil's gaze followed their sons waddling legs move towards the stairs. Danis stopped right in front of the stairs and outstretched his hand. He was waiting to hold his parents hand to walk down the stairs.
The picked Danis up by his hands and he floated down the stairs. Once they reached the bottom of their black wood stairs, Danis jumped out and ran towards the couches. "Happy Birthday!" Everyone was sitting in the living room, his grandparents, godparents, the rest of his little family. He got scooped up by his grandma Eva, "Feliz Cumpleaños mi niño." She kissed his cheek. "Gracias abue!" He looked at everyone and squeeled. "I'm so happy!" They spent the day watching his favourite movie, The Road To El Dorado, eating cake and opening presents. "Danis, we have multiple gifts for you." Bella rubbed his head. She handed him a box. He hungrily opened it and found a little guitar in it. "Wow tia! Thank you!" He hugged his guitar to his body. "What's the other present?" He looked at his older counterpart. "You're gonna have a really pretty playmate really soon." Danis face brightened up. "Really! When can I meet him?" Bella laughed. "Her, and you can meet her now. Come here." She pulled him on her lap and place his ear on her belly. "Do you hear her?"

"Lilo!" Dan jrs scream could be heard through out the recording studio. The doors of the recording booths flung open. "Dan and Lily!" Skye's yell caught the 10 && 12-year-olds off guard. "Yeah mum?" Dan stuck his head from under Lily's arm. "I can hear you." Dan chuckled. "Through sound proof glass.." Lily cracked up and rolled off of Dan. "Lily and Dan, go to the fridge and eat your lunch, yeah? I'll be there in a bit, ima wrap up this chorus and I'll head over." Dan and Lily walked to the fridge, occasionally bumping each other over and tripping one another. "My mum is gonna be so mad when she sees our damage.." Lilly was tugging at the newly placed rips on her blouse and Dan poked at her bruises on her legs and arms. "That's what happens when you decide to wrestle me." He smirked at her. They continued on with their cheeky banter as Skye and Dan watched them. "I think they're gonna end up together." Dan whispered in Skye's ear. "I think so too."

"And the winner is.." Everyone's breathes were held and no one dared to move a muscle. Skye's eyes were focused on Perrie and Demi as they got ready to announce the award for artist of the year. "Skye!" Phil was the one who pulled Skye up from her seat. "Babe. You did it!" He kissed her softly and hugged her. Dan jr went up to his mum and hugged her. "Mum! Go get your award." Skye couldn't believe it, she had worked so hard for this. She walked down the aisle, trying hard not to cry. She could see her image playing on the massive screens, she in her mint green dress climbing up the stairs, obviously in disbelieve. Perrie and Demi pulled her into a hug, both really good friends of Skye. "Girl, I am so happy for you." Demi said. "Babe, you deserve this." Perrie spoke after. Skye grabbed her award from their hands and looked at it in disbelief, she focused herself in front of the podium.
"Wow. I, I can't even believe this is happening. I just, oh my god. Wait, sorry head phone users." Skye turned her head from the mic and screamed and stomped, "Ok. I'm done now." The audience roared in laughter. "I just want to thank everyone, my mum, the twins, my wonderful husband, who if he hadn't believed in me wouldn't have gotten me to this place now. My beautiful boy Daniel. Everyone I work for and partner with. YouTube, of coarse. My Skyedivers, all of my friends, family, my in-laws. And most importantly two men who strengthen me daily, God and my papi. Moose, this ones for you!"

"I know, that this is really weird. And awkward. And I'm probably looking like I've gone mental. But I'm just trying to do the right thing here." Four pairs of eyes were on Daniel jr. "Uncle Dan and Aunt Bella, I know that you know that I've liked Lily for like ever. And Dad and Mum, I know you know that I have a crazy imagination and plans for my future planned daily, and this is not on this plan. But I think I missed out something important. I'm not even sure how I missed it. But, I have a confession and a question." They all looked at me and nodded. "Lily and I have been secretly dating for 4 years now..." Dan and Bella made no move. And then all of a sudden Skye started laughing, cackling and silent laughing. "Dan, we've known that. Since three years ago." Dan looked at them wide eyed. "And you never told us?!" Phil shook his head. "We wanted to see when you'd muck up the courage to tell us." Sighing and pacing, Dan broke out into a sweat. "Uncle Dan and Aunt Bella, I wanted to ask you if I could ask her to marry me.." Bella's eyes lit up, she tackled Dan in a hug. "You can take that as a yes." Dan chuckled at his wife's sudden charge. "Mum, can I do it at your show in Florida? Grandma said that she would give me her ring as the ring for Lily.." Skye nodded her head. "Yes baby." Skye broke out in tears. "Mum?" Skye went over and hugged her now 22-year-old. "I'm so happy."

"Ok guys, I know you want an interview. But I seriously know as much as you do." Skye was talking to the paps. She had a reputation of being extremely friendly with them, taking some of them out to eat and buying loads of them coffee when they were working late. "I promise I will come and tell you when we find out. But for the mean time, go eat, get something in you and bring me back your receipts. It's on me." They all walked out of the room, leaving the family to sit and wait. "Perrie, do you want to get some coffee?" Skye asked her. "Yeah. Zayn want some?" He nodded and continued his chat with Dan and Phil. "Bella, want to come?" Bella stood up and followed her friends to the cafe. "It's almost time now." Bella smiled. "I know. I'm so happy." Perrie hugged her two friends. Perrie was an unexpected addition to the family, they became really close when Little Mix and Skye did a collaboration. Dan and Phil already knew One Direction, but once their radio show hit off, 1D became a familiar face on the show. Eventually it all fell together and they were all family.
Skye and Bella held hands as they waited for the news. Dr. Harold walked into the waiting room. "I am happy to say, that you are grandparents to two beautiful babies." Everyone stood up and hugged. Bella and Skye cried. Dan and Lily didn't want to know the sex of their child, and they were surprised by more than that, they didn't know they were having twins. As the next few hours passed, waiting for the twins to be checked and tested for any mishaps. The family thew around ideas for how to celebrate and how they need to go buy double the things they already had.
No one noticed when Dan jr walked into the room. "Hey." They all looked towards him and froze. "We have a boy and a girl, healthy and beautiful. The boys name is Moose James and the girls is Fate Michelle." Phil wrapped his arms around Skye.

"It's never seemed to fail us." Skye looked at Phil. "What hasn't." He kissed her cheek. "Fate."

You guys. That's it!
Oh my god, I'm so sad. Like oh my. I can't. I'm so happy. This has been a tough two year adventure. And if you have stuck around since the very beginning, thank you for being faithful for two years. If you've joined somewhere along the way, thank you also. I have never been more pleased with anything such as this. And I can't thank you guys enough for the support and faithfulness to this book.

The two-year-anniversary was on July 22. But I was at the One Direction concert and was too doped up on feels to upload. You guys are awesome and I will see you soon.

I love you my little tea leaves. <3

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