Chapter Thirty Four

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Season Five Episode Three: Postmortem

They were back on Olkarion, Lotor explaining about the Kral Zera. Shiro and Millie both argued that they needed to go and put Lotor on the throne so they wouldn't risk someone like Zarkon getting on the throne again.

"The coalition wouldn't be where it is now without Lotor. We need to listen to him," Shiro argued.

"I'm with Allura too," Pidge said. "This is way too dangerous to pull off at the last minute."

"Agreed," Coran said. "So it looks like it's four to three, in the Princess's favor."

"Look, this isn't a vote," Shiro said. "I'm the leader of Voltron, I'm making the decisions."

"Shiro, you know I agree with you, but this is how we've always done things," Millie said. "Maybe not exactly like this, but the majority of us don't want to go and we have to respect their wishes."

"This isn't something we can back up on!" Shiro said. "We need to do this or we risk another Zarkon getting in the throne."

"You're making the decision like how you armed Lotor with your Bayard without consulting the rest of us?" Allura asked.

"That's right. Making that decision resulted in the removal of Zarkon."

"You put the entire operation in jeopardy."

"I put an end to Zarkon's reign! Now is the time to finish the job."

Lance stepped forwards. "We're all on the same side here--"

"I thought I told you to stay out of it!" Shiro snapped. Everyone looked at Shiro in shock.

"You know what? I was on your side before, but I'm not doing it unless the other do, too," Millie said, stepping to side with the others.

"You can't! You already promised you were on my side!"

"I can and I will!"

"I'm the leader, you listen to me!"

"You may be the leader of Voltron, but you are no leader of mine. I'm not even sure I know you anymore."

"While you all waste time squabbling, sinister forces are conspiring to fill the Galra power void," Lotor said. "If I I not return to claim the throne, there's no telling who will."

"Good, then it's settled," Shiro said.

"How does that make it settled?" Pidge asked.

"Our hands are tied," Shiro said. "The Kral Zera is happening, and if we want to stop the Galra, we need to put Lotor on the throne immediately." The group continued arguing.


Millie was grooming Scout when she got an alert, telling her to head to the forest in her lion immediately. She did just that, watching as a purple mist covered everything, turning the plants that would usually be glowing blue or green to a shade of purple reminiscent of the Galra.

Shiro was fighting a giant monster made of plants, reminding Millie of the tree Mechs.

"Ryner, what are we looking at here?" Pidge asked.

"It looks like the tree mechs," Millie said, her words backed up by Ryner.

"It's as if the forest is being corrupted," Ryner said.

"It must have something to do with whatever that is emanating from the impact site," Shiro said.

"It looks like some sort of invasive plasma," Pidge said. "Coran, have my dad and brother analyze the data I'm sending."

"On it."

The monster began shooting at them, Shiro calling for everyone to form Voltron. They did so, but at the end Millie was still in a lion, not part of Voltron.

"Allura? Coran? What happened?" Millie asked.

"When my father realized the white Lion was rejecting its Paladins, he made it so Voltron wouldn't need it to form," Allura explained. "Voltron will just be a bit unstable and more vulnerable. We still have a while until the lions are forced back into their lion forms, though, so don't worry."

Voltron punched the monster, said monster going skidding back while Voltron also went flying back.

"I can't move my leg!" Hunk yelled. "My Voltron leg!"

"Neither can I!" Allura said. "These vines are restricting our movements!"

"Pidge, can you get free?" Shiro asked.

"Negative, they're everywhere!"

"Red's stuck too!"

"The vines fully encased them, Millie trying to destroy them using her jaw blade, but it wasn't working. The monster began heading towards the Olkari city.

"I'm gonna go hold off the monster, you guys figure out a way out," Millie said, hoping they could hear her despite not being able to hear anything herself.

The ion cannon on the tower powered up, ready to hit the monster, but a bunch of vines surrounded it and broke it.

"The ion cannon!" Ryner yelled. "All our systems, they've been compromised!"

Millie went along the bottom, slicing at the vines with her jaw blade and pulling them away from the tower, but for every one she cut two more grew back just as fast. She picked up Matt and Sam after a quick explanation of how the vines worked and how to stop them and brought the duo to the tower silently praying their idea would work.

She continued her work at tearing off the vines, pausing when she noticed Voltron being taken by a tractor beam. Hurry up with whatever you're planning, guys.

The ion cannon finally worked, destroying the cruiser just as Voltron broke free of the tractor beam.

Ryner told them to deal with the monster, which bad just reached the outskirts of the city and was actively charging up a laser which it shot at the tower. Millie quickly flew up, taking the blast and grunting as it made her fly backwards, only just stopping herself from running into the tower.

Voltron appeared and began dealing with the monster, shooting a laser directly into its mouth and destroying it.

The vines turned green and went back to being just vines.

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