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a/n : i promise you're getting prinxiety next chapter-

Roman was glad Logan didn't find clinginess annoying, as of right now he was holding onto his arm for his dear life. There was just a lot to take in, maybe too much for a person who had been living most of their life on the bare minimum.

They had entered the ballroom merely seconds ago and Roman was already feeling overwhelmed in the best way possible. There were so many colors and people were bumping into him at every other turn. He could faintly hear music playing in the background, but it was completely drowned by the hundreds of voices having conversations.

Logan leaned in closer to Roman so he could talk to him without shouting : "How do you find it until now?"

"Overwhelming, but in a really good way." Roman couldn't help but grin. He was actually here. Not a dream.

He saw Logan smile from the corner of his eye. "I'm glad." He then strained to look around the ballroom, something in his expression changing when he saw a person in a light blue dress. 

"Come on" he whispered and they weren't even halfway across the room when the person saw them and split into grin, waving wildly at them.

Logan raised his hand in a small tentative wave, making the other person's smile even wider, if that was possible. They met halfway across the room and immediately started talking.

"Oh, I'm so glad you made it! I was beginning to think you had refused the invitation, like you did last year and it would've been such a shame!" the rambled and Roman could barely keep up with their words. 

Logan just gave a small smile. "Well, it wouldn't have been very nice if I had refused a private invitation."

The person just grinned yet again, eyes moving to Roman. Their eyes lit up. "Gosh, I've been so impolite! I'm Patton, they/them!" they gave Roman their hand to shake, which he did. 

"Roman, he/him." he managed to say as Patton squeezed his hand once and let go. 

"That's such a nice name! It really fits you!" they exclaimed and Roman was sure his face was as red as his dress.

Compliments. Right. He's supposed to get used to them (which turned out to be pretty hard, seeing as he lived with Remus all his life and his love language was insults and pranks)

"Thank you." he said, a smile making it's way to his lips. 

"You're welcome!" Patton looked up at Logan than back at Roman. "You seem like a really nice guy and I'd love to talk more, but Lo promised me his first dance and he's not getting out of it!" 

Roman giggled at Logan's resigned face, as if accepting his fate, but he could see it was that fake annoyance and he was actually rather pleased. 

"Alright, he's all yours" Roman let go of Logan's hand, only for Patton to drag him to the dance floor, the music already having started for a few seconds. 

Roman stared at the for a couple of seconds, then shrugged to himself.


Logan had a friend. That was new.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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