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Final Chapter. 

There are a pile of blankets and pillows in the center of the living room floor. It smells like ivory soap and whatever candle Leah decided to burn while the group were off showering. Quil, Leah, Seth, and Embry are sitting around the center taking turns holding Elizabeth and Sarah and Jacob and Edward are standing at the edges of the nest observing. 

"I think they've got this." Edward says, watching as Leah takes Sarah away from Seth while he's trying to initiate her into the 'S-pack'. Leah rolls her eyes at his antics, rocking Sarah until she's back to napping. Elizabeth is wide awake and seems to disproportionately like Quil, who is nervously trying to hand her over to Embry.

"What gives you that impression?" Jacob asks as he watches Elizabeth grab the front of Quil's shirt in a death grip. 

He won't lie. He's been coddling them for the past nine months, even in the dog pile; he's not ready to leave them on their own. Even with the threat long gone, he can feel the panic building as Edward attempts to guide him away towards the backdoor. 

Embry gently loosens Elizabeth's fist and removes the little piece of fabric before scooping her up.

Edward gestures in the direction of the interaction as his example before he's gently nudging Jacob's lower back again. Jacob slowly allows himself to be nudged towards the door, glancing around Edward as they slowly make their way outside. 

It's not until Jacob's actually standing in the grass that he realizes it's raining. It's not full-on storming, but it's as if the clouds are taking a break in between bouts of rain. The sky is gray but the air is warm. Jacob's about to ask what the hell they're doing standing barefoot in the grass when Edward takes his hand, a little smile on his face as he tugs Jacob over. He slowly begins swaying them back and forth. 

Jacob would usually be suspicious. He'd be asking all types of questions normally, but his head is elsewhere as Edward gently nudges him so that he'll spin. They go back into slowly rocking and Jacob's so sure that he knows where this is going that Edward's the only thing keeping them swaying. Edward doesn't acknowledge that he's barely participating, starting to hum as the grass squeaks with another turn.

Edward had given it a rest. He hadn't even talked about the ring, simply putting it away once they were back at Jacob's house. Jacob doesn't even know where it is, Edward could've pawned it off for all he knew. Though, there was something about the rumbling of the thunder, the crack of lightening, and the squeak of wet grass that told him to be wary. 

The memory was so fresh in his mind it was almost as if it was yesterday, the only thing missing is the twins. Jacob knew if he was asked under these conditions, that he wouldn't say no. So, he keeps his mouth firmly clamped shut as their little swaying turns into more of a bear hug as they just stand there listening to the storm.

Jacob stares out into the trees and is almost startled when he sees a figure staring back. Green Eyes is there, smile intact as she stands against a tree. Her hair almost disappears amongst them, eyes shining just a bit greener. 

"Elizabeth?" He asks to seemingly no one as she slowly takes a step back into the forest.

"Baby, Elizabeth is in the house." Edward says, pushing him back so that he could see Jacob's face. Jacob only nods, eyes still on the trees.

"Maybe we should get back inside." Edward says, guiding Jacob inside without much of his input. They step back inside, slightly damp with rain as they make their way back into the living room.

The girls are asleep in the center of the pile, slightly laying on top of one another as if they'd decided where they wanted to be. Leah, Seth, Embry, and Quil are all keeping watch. Jacob's about to say something, but he realizes that he's being guided towards the stairs. 

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