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5 am wake-up call.
I hate flying with a burning passion.
But you can't swim to London.
I groaned, pulling my covers over my head. The alarm didn't stop yelling at me. I threw off my covers, throwing my phone. I realized what I had done and jumped up, rushing to pick up my phone.
"Shit." I picked it up. No cracks. I let out a sigh of relief. I put it back on my bed gently. I made my way to my closet, opening it. I found a black widow hoodie and chuckled, pulling it on. I found a pair of ripped jeans and pulled them on. I put on some deodorant before throwing it into my suitcase. I picked up a pile of clothes I folded last night. I put them in my suitcase. I found a few other essentials and put them in with my clothes. I put my phone in my pocket. I zipped up the bulging bag. I pulled out the handle and began to roll my way into the kitchen.
"Ready to go?" Florence looked up at me from the couch.
"Yeah. Did you make coffee?" I groaned.
"Yes. Here." she passed me a cup. I drained it. "Thanks. Time to go to the hellhole they call LAX." I opened the door for Florence. She smiled and left. I turned off all the lights and locked the door before I followed her. I threw her my keys and she caught them awkwardly.
"You want me to drive?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah. I'm too tired." I yawned to emphasize the point.
"Alright." she shook her head and got in the car.
I got in, turning the radio in as Florence began to drive. 'I wanna be your girlfriend.' blared at me. I tapped the beat on my thigh. The song expressed exactly how I felt about Florence.
"I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips!" Florence suddenly shouted out.
"I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath!" I finished. Florence met my eyes when I said that. I blushed and turned my head. The song finished about halfway through the drive. I couldn't help think about how she looked at me when she said the words. My thinking was interrupted when Florence parked the car.
"Alright. It's 5:36." she checked the time.
"Little less than an hour till our flight should leave," I emphasize should.
"Yup," Florence states simply. I got out of the car, going back to the trunk to pull out my luggage. I begin to roll the luggage towards the huge building, Flo at my heels.
"And where are you ladies flying to?" the attendant at the ticket counter asked.
"London." Florence chirped.
"Your flight is private. Please make your way to gate 17," she instructed. I nodded my thanks and we made our way to the gate. It was just in time as our flight began boarding. Security was easy(surprisingly) and we got on fast.
"That was surprisingly non-traumatic." I chuckled as we sat down.
"True. So unlike LAX." Florence laughed.
"I'm exhausted. I'm gonna try and nap." I yawned, I tried to lay back against the seat. Screw it. I told myself, laying my head on Flo's shoulder. I got comfy and dozed off quickly.
5 hours later.

I woke up to the most beautiful view I'd ever seen

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I woke up to the most beautiful view I'd ever seen.
"Fuck." I whispered. "This is gorgeous."
Florence turned to me.
"Sleep well?" She laughed.
"Yup. You are a great pillow." I poked her shoulder.
"Ha. Thanks. It's 11. Lunch should be here soon. Y'know private flying isn't that bad." She smirked.
"Guess not. Being an actor has perks." I smiled.
"Always has," she took my hand and squeezed it gently.
"Except jet lag is gonna fuck me up." I groaned, thinking of the grueling hours to come.
"Lunch for you ladies." A flight attendant came to us with trays full of food.
"Thanks so much." Florence let go of my hand to get her food. I took mine and began opening the packages. It was a sad assortment of food. Sandwich, chips, apple and a coke. I shrugged and dug in. Flying makes you unbelievably hungry. I finished my lunch a little after Flo.
"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked, pulling out her computer.
"Sure? Have anything in mind?" I asked, scooting closer to her.
"Avengers." She said, opening Disney+.
"Good choice." I rested my head on my hands.
The movie began and I just enjoyed it. Watching one of the best movies of all time, with the most beautiful woman I've ever met. Could this day get any better?
2 1/2 Hours Later
When the movie finished I was leaning on Florence. Her arms were wrapped around my waist to support me. I clapped lightly as the credits rolled. Florence took her hand from my waist to close her laptop.
"2:30. We should be in London soon." She yawned.
"Well, what do we do until then?" I smirked at her.
"First, you get that look off your face." She rubbed her temples. "Second, we watch TikTok for three hours cause lord knows we can." She laughed.
"Fine." I huffed, pulling out my phone. I opened TikTok and the first thing I saw was an edit. It was of Florence and me.
"Hey Flo, look at this." I showed her the phone. Her eyes widened as she saw the edit. She turned to me. Without a word, she kissed me.
Virginity thoroughly shook.
She pulled me close. The arm between us jabbed me in the hip. I groaned onto her lips. This just caused her to kiss me harder. I finally pulled back for air.
"What was that for?" I huffed, catching my breath.
"Because you looked perfect." She stroked the side of my face.
"Pfft. I look like shit. We've been flying for 7 hours."
"Because I wanted to."
She moved to kiss me again. I put my finger on her lips.
"No teasing," I whispered onto her lips.
"Fine." She growled.
God that was hot.

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