Vodka and Mistakes

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I woke up screaming.
Nightmares plagued my sleep all night.
Before I knew it an arm snaked around my waist and pulled me close.
"It's okay baby," she whispered sleepily.
"I need some air." I pulled her arm off of me gently and rushed out of the room. I busted out of the front door, gasping for air. I sat down on the steps of the trailer, looking out into the cold night. I felt that sickening feeling of panic. My lungs failed me and my brain turned fuzzy. The world spun.
"Fuck fuck fuck..." I gasped. I gripped the cold metal railing to try and ground myself. Then the sobs started. I tried to keep them quiet. Soon enough tears dripped down my face. I heard footsteps from the trailer but I didn't think anything of it.
"Y/N!" Florence cried. She ran to me and began pulling me inside. She shut the door and I leaned into her arms.
"Darling what's wrong?" she cupped my face.
"I had a nightmare. God, it was awful." I sobbed.
"What happened?"
"Well, it was when my dad left. Except different. He left the house and then, t-then he got hit by a car. And none of my family cared but me. I ran over to him b-but he still died." I stuttered, falling into her arms.
"Love that didn't happen okay. He's still alive, right?"
"Yeah. But he's as good as dead. He cheated on my mom and she kicked him out. I haven't seen or talked to him in 2 years." I said into her neck.
"That sucks, he's fucked up. Now. Let's sleep okay?" she kissed my head, rubbing my back.
"Okay. I'll try." I pulled back and wiped my eyes.
"Good, c'mon." she moved me back into the bedroom. I crawled back into the bed, shaking lightly. The bed dipped down behind me and she hugged me. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to come. I fell asleep listening to the even sounds of Flo's breath.
3 hours later
The sun shined through the curtains as my alarm rang. I heard Florence groan from behind me. I smiled and sat up. It was a Friday. We'd keep running through the script and training. But we don't film on the weekends.
"Let's get up. We've got the whole weekend to lay in bed." I shook her as I stood. I went into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. I picked my bag up and closed the bathroom door. Florence was getting dressed.
"Okay, I'll see you on set," I said as I left.
1 hour of hair, makeup, and costumes later
"Alright. Now we're going to practice these fight scenes." Cate yelled.
"You're going to kill us, Cate." Josh huffed.
"Yeah. I can't speak Russian and kickass when I'm dead." I chuckled.
"Yall are just out of shape." Cate shook her head.
"Fine. Maybe a little bit." I said, walking over to get some water. I took a sip and went back to my trainer.
"Okay. So your gonna kick with your right leg and punch with your left arm. At the same time." he said as if it was easy. I kicked at him and he caught my leg as I swung my arm around. I made solid contact with his chest. He swayed slightly and looked at me with a surprised look. He lowered my leg, brushing my inner thigh as he did. I brushed it off. He's my trainer, he gets paid to touch me.
"Okay. Turn around and let me see you punch. I wanna see your shoulder muscles."
"Alright..?" an odd request. But then again I don't train for action movies every day. I began to punch. His hands made their way down my back and he grabbed my ass.
"Yo. What the fuck!" I cried, turning around.
"Just feeling your muscles," he smirked.
"Just feeling uh? How about I just feel your dick." I kicked him in the nuts.
He screamed and fell to the ground. I stalked off as everyone watched. I was sweaty, tired, and pissed off. I got fucking groomed by my trainer and now I had no idea where I was going. I found my way to the lunch table.
"Deep breaths." I good myself, getting a water bottle off the table. Florence and Josh came running in.
"Y/N are you alright?" Josh asked, coming to kneel next to me on the floor.
"Yeah. That guy is just a nasty motherfucker." I grumbled.
"He's an ass. I agree with that. Let's go get drunk and forgot about it." Florence smiled.
"At 7 pm? Practically day drinking." I laughed.
"Yeah. Training is done and it's an hour from the bar?" David said, coming over.
"Sounds like a plan." I laughed, way to get my mind off getting assaulted.
2 hours and 4 shots of vodka later
"YOUR HOT!" a drunk man slurred at Florence.
"YOU ARE HOT TOO!" she slurred.
I stumbled over to her.
"what the fuck Flo." I cried.
"Get off m-me." she lazily shoved me. Suddenly I was very much sober.
"What the FUCK Flo!" I screamed.
"Shut the fuck up girl." the man said, taking Flo off into a room.
My head pounded. I needed to throw up. Right now. I ran as fast as I could out of the bar and vomited into the grass. I retched until there was nothing left. The next thing I knew I was in an Uber going back to the trailer. I stumbled up the steps into the living room. I turned back to the door and with the last of my strength, locked the door. I collapsed onto the couch, wasted and heartbroken.
I thought Florence was different.
God, I hate fucking liquor.
Florence would have to stay with her new man overnight.
Cuz I'm sure as hell not letting her inside.
Fuck that.
Fuck me.
Fuck life in general.

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