Storytime Again

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When I was in 7th grade, a couple of buddies and I found a way to have the gym to ourselves while the rest of the Jr. High students were outside for noon recess and the staff was eating lunch. The building was an old, repurposed, 3-story, brick high school. The gym had a stage, a mezzanine, and upstairs storage rooms, all secured by door locks that had become weak and easy to manipulate. We figured out how to easily jimmy the gym door locks, as well as any others we desired to ignore. For weeks, we had fun swinging on ropes across the stage and exploring the props and other items stored upstairs. The craziest thing we did was to go up to the mezzanine, climb on top of the steel railing overlooking the gym, leap up and grab the steel girders holding up the gym roof, hand walk out to the middle of the gym, and freefall into the foam-filled high jump pit. What great fun we had... until my hand slipped off the girder and I fell all the way to the gym floor. That was NOT a good part of the experience, since I sustained some painful injuries. To cover up our lawless activities, my buddies helped me out of the gym and up the stairs, almost to the top floor of the school. When the bell rang, I waited for other classmates to arrive, then staged a fall down the stairs. This earned me a free ticket to medical attention and averted severe disciplinary consequences for my friends and me. I never told my parents the truth about this incident until decades later.

Credit: Gene Rick on Quora

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