Author's Note

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This transcription kicks off the "Safe Haven Saga", which I've been working on since 2019. The stories that follow will include elements from ZooPhobia lore, especially lore that was never worked into the short-lived comic (most prominently the concept of "Xirxine", which will be fleshed out in the next books). It also incorporates characters and storylines from other sources, most notably the following:

1. Biblical lore
2. "Eden", by Jessi Ochse
3. Lovecraftian mythos
4. Trevor Henderson creations
5. The "SCP Animated" series

That being said, connecting the dots between all of these sources was a Herculean task that I've still yet to complete. So I hope you guys appreciate all the love and work I poured into this sprawling epic! I'll try to publish one chapter per day, but we'll see how things go.

One more thing: you can call it a "fanfiction", but I prefer the term "continuation".

Now let's get this show on the road, huh?

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