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Victoria Black was never the one to start crying over from a letter even one from her parents and sisters, but there she was in bed with Alyssa, Viviane, and Grace with her, crying her eyes out, she knew this was coming when she was 16, but she wasn't ready, the girl wanted to stay in bed all day, and not move.

"Uhm, one of us us stay's here and two of us go." Victoria heard Grace say, from under her covers.

"You two go, I'll stay." Viviane say's as Grace and Alyssa leave,"Hey sweetie," Viviane grabbed the covers and pulled them down, off the girl,"how are you feeling?"

"Like I wanna die." Victoria say's as Viviane lay's next to her, getting under the covers,"I knew this was going to happen, but I didn't think it would happen this soon." Victoria says, stuffing her face in her pillow,"Can you get Nancy she some how makes me feel much more better."

"Okay, Tori." Viviane say's, getting out of Victoria's bed, and going to try and get Nancy Willams, from the Hufflepuff house.


"So, You and Bill Nott are getting married?"

"Yup, and he is my favorite person in the whole world."

"Thats rude."

Victoria was talking to Nancy about the letter her parents and sisters wrote to her, not only was she popular, but she doesn't always talk about her feelings to everyone.

"This is pathetic, Nance." Victoria say's getting up, but Nancy pushed her back down softly,"Nance, I understand you are a training therapist." Nancy looked at Viviane who just shrugged,"But this is a little bit to much."

"It's the fact you don't know how this really works?" Victoria was going to answer, but then realized she doesn't know how this therapy works, so just layed down,"Now, I want to know how do you feel about marrying Bill."

"Well, I feel like I am nothing, but someone who just marry's there friend, because there in love it's them, but I'm not, because we are not the same, I'm apart of the Black family, the ancient and noble house of Black, and he is a Nott. and that means we sometimes you have to marry someone who means lots to us, but we don't really love them. He is also older then me, and if I would have the choice to marry someone, I would choose James, not because he can get me out of my marriage and get me out my family, but he is more things then Bill will ever be. And more then any guy I have talked to or date, but when I'm with him I feel safe, special, like I don't need my family to be someone in this world, and with Bill all I feel is family, nothing special like I feel with James."

Once Victoria finished talking Nancys and Viviane's had there jaw drops.

"Wow," Nancy say's, feeling a little sad for Victoria,"that is one thing new, looks like I can't help, Ane." Viviane nods, fully understanding, Nancy got up said her goodbyes, and left.

"I'm a failure aren't I, Viví." Viviane lay's next to.

"No you aren't, Tori." Viviane say's, as Victoria looks at the moving photo, of her, her sisters, father, mother, and Edward,"You are so much more better then them." Victoria looks at her, and smiles.

"Thanks Viví."

"Your welcome, Tori." 

Viviane hugs Victoria, and Victoria hugs back.

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