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Victoria was sitting at the Slytherin table with Alyssa, Viviane, and Grace, as Alyssa kept rambling about Edward.

"Can we make her shut up?" Grace asks, as the girls shake her head,"Victoria say something." Grace says, knocking her head in her breakfast.

"Me and James are friends."

A cricket.

You can hear nothing but a cricket.

"Excuse me?" Edward asks, as Victoria shakes her head, zoning back in,"You and who are friends?" He asks, sitting down next to her.

"Me and Alyssa are friends." Victoria say's, as Alyssa had her jaw dropped,"We always have been, since you and her." She says, and gets up,"I gotta go." She says, walking away, but not without someone following her.


Victoria stopped walking and looked behind her to Nancy Willams.

"Nancy, I want to be alone in peace." Victoria say's, as Nancy nods her head.

"I know, but without you in there, it's dark, and lonely." Nancy says, as Victoria nods her head.

"Well, what do you want?" Victoria asks,"A prize." She says, stopping in the middle of the hallway,"For being the best dork." She says, as Nancy giggles.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Nancy says, as Victoria puts her head on Nancys shoulder,"I think your not alright." Nancy says, as Victoria nods her head,"It's the you and Jame seeing friend?" She asks, and she nods again,"I see why." Nancy says, as Victoria lifts her head up.

"How do you know?" Victoria asks, as Nancy takes a deep breath, and looks into Victoria's eyes.

"I'm dating Sirius and Remus."

Victor had her jaw dropped, one of her best friends was dating not one, but TWO marauders.

"Wait, both of them!" Victoria yells, excitedly,"You are totally blowing my mind right now, Nance." Victoria say's, then clicks her,"How long?" She asks.

"Only since 4th year." Nancy mumbles, but Victoria heard clearly.

"Damn." She says,"We thought you were the worst secret keeper, but Grace still is." Victoria say's, and smiles,"You and those two blown my mind." She says, and walks away, glad Nancy forgot about her and James being friends.

"We're not done talking!" Nancy yells, as Victoria was already away from her.

"I know that!" Victoria yells, back, running away.


Edward was in the library, looking for Alyssa or Victoria.

He looked through every section, but found Victoria at a table studying with Grace.

"How long?" Edward asks, walking up to her.

"How long what, Edward?" Victoria asks, not looking up from her book.

"Vicky, I'm not stupid." Edward says, as Victoria nods,"That entire you and James thing." He says, as Victoria looks up at him,"How long has that been?" Edward asks.

"Since we got detention together." Victoria say's, standing up,"Maybe if you didn't focus all your time on being the perfect son, and perfect fiancé, you would notice that me and James have been meeting up." Victoria yells, getting some shushes,"Oh, shut the fuck up!" Victoria yells, as everyone hides.

"Well, unlike me now you, I actually try, and I'm not a failure like you!" He yells, making Victoria catch her breath.

"You did it now, Eddie." Grace says, going under her chair, and holding onto it.


"Don't Vic me!" Victoria yells, she grabs her book, a d hits her brother in the head,"I am trying as best as I can to fine with you and Alyssa together, but it is so hard." She says, as Edward looks at her weirdly,"I had loved her since we were 7!" She yells, surprising everyone, but they hear a gasp coming from behind Edward.

They all turn to look at who gasped and saw Alyssa Amber Malfoy.

"I'm confused." She says, walking up to them,"You have loved me since we were 7?" She asks, and Victoria mutter s yes, and nods her head,"V." Alyssa says, going to grab her arm.

"Just stop it." Victoria says, throwing her book to the ground, and walks out of the library.

"That was something I didn't expect to see from my sister." Edward says, as Alyssa, and Grace nods.

"She's gone, Gracie." Alyssa says, as Grace tries to get out.

"I know, I'm just stuck." Grace says, trying to get out,"But I seem to be stuck." She says, as Edward and Alyssa try to help Grace get out.

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