Chapter 2

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"What is this?"  Harry asked Rebecca quietly, confused as to why their last supper at the Burrow was so quiet and the other children so pensive. 

"It's a tradition."  Rebecca practically kicked herself for not remembering that Harry wouldn't know about this, she had been working so hard to make sure he couldn't possibly feel excluded.  "You say your favourite part of the summer, usually write it down.  Molly and Arthur collect them for a project they hope to do someday."

"Oh."  Harry wracked his brain, though an answer came to him before it was his turn.

Ginny smiled as Molly let her go after Percy, seeing how their youngest child anxiously wanted to share.  "My favourite part of the summer was going to Ollivander's."

"That's it?"  Ron laughed, shaking his head.  "All that squirming and it's only-"  Arthur's look silenced him.  "Sorry." 

"Why don't you go next, Ronald?"  Arthur's words held a question, his tone did not.

"My favourite part of summer was going to rescue Harry.  Bloody difficult, but worth it."  Ron grinned, despite Molly's frown.

George went next, agreeing with Ron.  Rebecca wanted to listen, she really did, but she had to catch Ron's attention and mouth another thank you, ending up missing some of George's answer.  

"And what about you?"  Molly turned to Fred next, expecting he would echo George's memory.  

"My favourite part of the summer was the morning after we got Harry--Though I'm sorry we hadn't left a note."  Fred tacked on at the look Molly gave Arthur.  Fred had no idea it was a pointed look for a reason entirely different.  

"Any reason?"  Molly asked curiously.

"No.  Rebecca?"  Fred asked, turning in his seat.  "Care to share?"

Rebecca nodded, sitting up a little in her chair.  "It's hard to choose because I think every day we get to be here isn't quite enough."  Rebecca's voice betrayed how sad she was to leave.  "And I'm sorry summer's over already, I wish it wasn't."  

"I know."  Arthur looked over the table's attendants sadly.  "But your educations must not be seen only as a burden, children.  Your lessons will help you through life, no matter the path."

Molly nodded, looking to Rebecca again to see if she had a more solid favourite part.

Rebecca's hands were tightly clasped in her lap, the pressure an attempt to keep her tears to herself.  There was no point in crying over things that couldn't be changed, something she believed in quite thoroughly.  But still, her eyes stung with the impossibility of the fact that summer was coming to an end.  "My favourite part was our birthday, our first birthday together."

Fred grinned, looking around.  "All of us together, actually.  You and Harry and then you and us."

Arthur glanced between the two of children carefully, thinking that Fred's statement might have been a little raw-bringing.  But instead, Rebecca found a smile gracing her face as well.  "Yes, exactly.  Together twice then."

Supper went by fairly quickly after that.  The dishes were magicked clean, the children scampered about to make sure they had everything packed and that they weren't forgetting anything.  And, as Molly sipped her cup of tea, her look told Arthur what he had feared.

Molly knew Arthur was beginning to think she was right.


"I swear to Merlin, if one of you ever-"  Molly took a breath, calming herself.  "Alarms will be set earlier, next year.  Ginny?  Come along, let's get through and get you settled."  

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