Chapter 3

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"Next time, let me be ill."  Rebecca muttered, walking into another Defense Against the Dark Arts class with a scowl.  "I'd rather have kept my lovely little fever and get out of class with this-"

"Don't be crass, Rebecca."  Hermione scolded her as she always did with a bad word said towards 'Professor Lockhart.'  "He's really not that bad."

"You just like his hair."  Rebecca mumbled, sitting next to Harry for a change as Hermione took the seat next to Ron.  "You don't like this tosser, right?"

"Nope."  Harry leaned closer to her, finding what he had hoped was an opportunity to talk with her.  "You said some things, when you were ill last week.  I-"

"Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class."  

Harry sighed as Lockhart started his daily introduction of himself.  "Later, I want to talk later."

"Honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile award."  Lockhart stopped in front of his desk and smiled, not-charmingly in Rebecca's opinion.  It wasn't just how every other girl--and a few of the boys--had fallen under his spell, there was something lurking behind him.  Something that poked out in his grins and behind his eyes, something that Rebecca was all too familiar with.

Something Lockhart was hiding.

"But why waste class time talking about that?  I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him."

"Don't see why not.  I'd surely be gotten rid of if he smiled at me like that."  Rebecca muttered, Harry cracking up next to her.

That's how the majority of class went.  Rebecca would offer a snide remark only loud enough for Harry to hear and he would try to come up with one back, largely failing.  When Lockhart uncovered the topic for their class though, Rebecca found her remark silenced by Seamus' goading.

"Cornish Pixies?"  Seamus shouted, expecting something actually in need of defending against.

"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies."  Professor Lockhart answered, his hand creeping closer to the latch.  "Laugh if you will, Mister Finnegan, but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters.  Let's see what you make of!"  Lockart released the blue, winged creatures onto the students without warning.

The reaction was instantaneous, the shouts and yelps as students dove for cover under desks.  Hermione looked back and felt her face grow warm at the pointed look mirrored on both Potter twins' faces.  

Neville' shouts tore Rebecca's attention away and she had her wand in hand at the sight of pixies lifting him by his ears up towards the chandelier.  The only spell she could get come to mind would stop the pixies, not catch Neville.  "Please!  Get me down!"

"One second, Neville!"  Rebecca turned back to Hermione and grabbed a book off the desk, sending the pixie that had been pulling Hermione's hair flying with a harsh swing.  "Are you going to do something?"  Rebecca demanded of their professor loudly, seeing how Lockhart now ducked near his desk.

"Peskipiksi Pesternomi!"  Lockhart tried, shrugging as it didn't work.  Most of the class was emptied by this point, other students abandoning the class to escape the pixies terrorising.  Nothing happened, the spell or its caster faulty.  A pixie flew by and took Lockhart's wand.

Harry reached up and batted away a pixie that was flying directly for Rebecca's glasses as Lockhart scrambled back up the stairs to his office.  The pixie that had stolen his wand flung it wildly back and forth, breaking the chain that was holding the skeleton of a winged creature that crashed into the ground with a shattering boom.

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