Chapter 10

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"Any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away."  Harry reminded Ron and Lockhart, ignoring the nauseating crunch of various bones under his trainers.

Ron stared at Lockhart who failed to follow Harry up into the wide, circular tunnel to their right.  "Go on then!"  Ron said with the air of someone dealing with a moron.

Harry wasn't sure where he was going, but he could feel something pulling him, leading him.  Ron and Lockhart followed behind pausing only when they encounter meter after meter after meter of strange, yellow, crunchy matter.

"What's this?"  Ron asked, touching it and finding it crackled under his touch.

"I-It...looks like a snake."  Lockhart stammered, not sure what these children had gotten him involved in.

"It's a snakeskin."  Harry said, a shiver forcing its way up his spine.  This snakeskin belonged to a massive snake, massive entirely.

"It must be sixty feet long?"  Ron guessed, shaking his head.  "Bloody hell, sixty at least."  Lockhart dropped to the floor next to Ron in a faint and Ron gave Harry a bored look.  "Heart of a lion in this one."

Lockhart jumped back up, taking Ron's wand from him as he moved and sneering at the boys.  "Adventure ends here, boys."  Lockhart turned so that the wand was pointed at Harry as Harry made a move for his wand.  "Don't fret, the world will know our story.  I'll be...Yes, I'll have been too late to save the girl...You two will have tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body...this could work."

Lockhart nodded, clearly proud of himself.  "Yes, I believe that will work.  You first, Mister Potter.  Say goodbye to your memories."  Lockhart waved Ron's wand ferociously, not caring if he took away more than he intended after the boys had dragged him about and insulted him so.  "Obliviate!"

But Harry didn't move, not at all.  

Lockhart sent himself flying back with the force of his spell and he slammed into the stone walls loudly.  "Leave him, Ron!"  Harry ran forward, grabbing Ron's discarded wand from the ground and hooking his arm through Ron's as the ceiling began to shudder above them.

Massive chunks of roof fell down, bouncing and shattering along the ground beside, behind, and in front of Harry and Ron as Harry guided the two of them out of the falling rubble.  It was over within the minute, though the dust swirled about around them.

"Are we alright, Harry?"  Ron asked with a small voice, holding onto Harry's arm like his life depended on it.

"We're alright, Ron."  Harry grimaced.  "All's well that ends well, you know?"

"She'd say that and Hermione would scold us for even coming down here, wouldn't they?"  Ron pulled himself taller, looking around.  "We need to find Ginny."

"H-hello?"  Lockhart's voice rang out from behind them.  "Mummy?"

"Oh, blimey."  Harry rolled his eyes, not turning back.  "He'll have to occupy himself until we come back.  What an idiot."

"When we come back?"  Ron clarified.

"When."  Harry answered after a moment.  "Let's go.  And don't forget: The second there's movement, close your eyes."

"I don't particularly want to see myself get eaten."  Ron muttered, shaking his head.  "This is a mental year, you know that?  And after last year...I think it's got to be you two."

"No one's going to get eaten."  Harry chided, pausing their stumble through the darkness in front of the circular door blocking their way.  "You think this is like above?  With the Parseltongue?"

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