Holder of the Fate Tenchuusatu

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Ayanokoji POV:


I looked in the direction of the noise to see a girl with red twin pig-tails running towards me. Amasawa Ichika, a 1st year class A student and a WR student sent to have me expelled, at least that was their intended plan. Despite knowing the consequences, she chose not to expel me and aided me instead, as a result she is no longer apart of the White Room. I somewhat envy her... but I still can't let my guard down around this cheeky girl. I can't take what she or Tsukishiro said whole-heartily.

"Do you have business with me?"

"Awh, don't be so mean Ayanokoji-senpai, you should be happy to be greeted by your cute kouhai."

Honestly. This girl.

"If you don't have anything to say to me then I need to head to the th-"

"It would be best if senpai doesn't go to the theater."

Cutting me off she changed her tone; she no longer had her smile and her voice carried more force behind it. I turned and stared at her to which she stared right back.

"What are you planning Amasawa?"

"I recommend that Ayanokoji-senpai comes with me instead. It would be best for you not to go to the theater right now."

"And if I refuse?"

Amasawa knows very well that I can't trust her. Especially since 'that man' is still plotting my expulsion. Then there was still Tsukishiro whom I can't rule out as a factor despite him stepping down as acting director. So why would she ask me to come with her knowing my answer?

"As expected of Ayanokoji- senpai, hehe, you don't trust me, do you? Welll, not that I blame you however it would prove useful for you to join me."

"I don't thi-"

"Haven't you been curious.... senpai, about what's been going on ever since Tsukishiro came.... you have found this whole process.... strange, right senpai?"

"What do you mean?" Of course, I knew what she was referring to, but she seems to know something I don't. Or perhaps she wants me to think that she knows something I don't in an attempt to mess with my psyche. Honestly, why her of all people.

She said nothing else and stared at me.... a brief silence fell before us. She stared me in the eyes trying to convey to me that I can trust her. However, we both know that will never happen.

"Awh jeez, fine. Fine. How about I disclose a littleee secret to help Ayanokoji-senpai along."

"What secret?"

"Welll...." Amasawa slowly walked towards me and stopped with an arm's length between us.

"You see senpai, at this very moment Agent ...."

*The wind picked up drowning out their conversation*

Ichika POV:

As I finished telling Ayanokoji-senpai about him; his eyes widen slightly.

"I see.... so that's what's going on, haahh, honestly how troublesome."

"Hehehe, do you understand now Senpai?"

He nodded in confirmation.

"Yayyy, alright. Let's go senpai" Throwing my hands in the air in victory I took Ayanokoji- senpai to a separate section of the ship.

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