SS: Calm before the storm

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Time: 12:10 pm, after the 2nd years finished the videos

Location: Cruise ship, port side- top deck

Ayanokoji POV

"Bye Ayanokoji-senpai, say hello to the professor for me!" Amasawa said seeing us off as I followed Shiba and Yagami to a small boat docked off the side of the ship ready for departure.

I glanced back at her, she still had that devilish smile, but I still sensed the sadness she had behind it, despite Horik-.... Tsukishiro's plan.... and what 'that man' thinks.... for Amasawa, her goal was to be in proximity of me. 

To Amasawa, I'm an existence that gives her purpose in the White Room, unlike Yagami whom has deep vengeance against me. Must me nice.... she's able to live a peaceful life here at school without everyone trying to target her. 

It's no matter however....

Now then, I play my next move.

"Shiba-sensei, I need to make a call first; I need to tell Honami goodbye."

"Very well.... make it quick."

He certainly is wary of me, but as long as I comply and return to that facility with him; it won't be an issue talking to her. There is the fact as well that she and the other 2nd year students already now about my past and the White Room. Using her first name works in my favor too, a lover's farewell I suppose, since Shiba knew of Ichinose from before.

I walked a few meters away along the railing, just close enough to not create suspicions, but far enough that muttering couldn't be heard.

I looked over the railing at the sun-bathed ocean, the waves glittered in its light like silver snow. The sea was tranquil, I could stare at it for hours on end.... sucked into its void. Now though.... more present matters are at hand. If this person doesn't pick up then....

Well then that is that.... nothing more, it's pointless to think of every possible outcome.

The wind picked up slightly blowing through my hair, this would have been a peaceful cruise vacation....


Well no, not really. Nagumo and the other third years were sure to draw attention to me after the events that took place on the island exam. With that being said....

I looked back at the calm sea....

A scene that won't last for long....

It's merely the calm before the storm.

Collecting my thoughts, I dialed the 11-digit number in my phone. After a few rings, the person I wanted to speak to answered.


"Hello senpai."

Hmmm, who's the mystery caller I wonder? 

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