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she told herself to not glance or look his way as they both made eye-contact for almost five times and it's getting awkward every second but her eye simply wouldn't obey her.

she flipped page after page slowly reading the romance novel, her series of concentration was abruptly interrupted by someone sitting infront of her and placing the book on the table which made a loud thud.

she almost chocked in the air, her heart going in an abnormal speed like as if she just ran a marathon.

"hey" Jungwon smiled at her, his dimples showing off "...hey?" she replied hesitantly, brows furrowed before taking a look around the almost epmty campus library. Out of all places, why would he choose to sit next to her?

"erm, do you want some help?"

"if you don't mind, can you be my study partner?"

rejection   y. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now