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your pov ;

"what is it y/n?" Jungwon's brows furrowed together in anticipation, "uh, I..." you looked up from your lap, nibbling on your lower lip from nervousness "I like you..." Jungwon's bright big eyes turned into half closed from how his attitude dropped, you felt like your throat being wrapped around an metal wire, "what?" you could feel the whole atmosphere shifting into a cold one.

"I like you, Jungwon" you repeated yourself hesitantly as he sighed, closing his eyes as he rubbed his face and eyes, after a minute of silence he asked "why?" he locked his chocolate-brown orbs back to your own ones "why me out of all the guys?"

"do you think I'll like you back too?" you gulped looking at your lap, feeling guilty of yourself, you totally ruined the friendship and his mood "I don't know... but your eyes said you were feeling it too" you tried your best to hold back your tears, fists clenched and rested on your lap.

"Jungwon!" your heart almost stopped beating from the person's sudden yell, Jungwon slowly peeled his eyes off from you to behind you, you turned back to see a guy somewhat familiar only to realise it's one of Jungwon's friend you've noticed him hanging out with.

you heard jungwon sigh yet again "y/n... I thought we were good friends but you had to ruin it? why did you like me out of all the guys.." jungwon stood up "I'm really sorry and I hope you find someone else who's good for you.."

you stood up standing infront of him as you nodded your head, trying to give your best smile "I understand but ...can you atleast tell me the reason?" your voice shaked from how bad you're trying to hold them back, Jungwon glanced down at you,

"because I'm not into girls, y/n" 

a/n ;
lmao, shit ended real funny 💀

rejection   y. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now