chapter one

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Y/n walked through the hall. She had just returned from her summer trip, and had missed a day of school. And when she returned, she was met with the oddest thing. People were whispering about her, and looking at her sympathetically. Another odd thing, was she couldn't find her boyfriend. James Potter.

She just shrugged off all the looks, and whispering and went to go search for her friends. Y/n walked to the cafeteria, and saw her friends. Or well, two of them at least. Alice Fortescue, and Mary MacDonald. Oddly her bestfriend Lily Evans, was nowhere in sight.

Y/n walked up to them and grinned "Hey guys, I'm back!" She said doing jazz hands. But her hands slowly fell to her side, seeing her friends sympathetic looks. Y/n looked at all of them confused "Why do y'all look sad as hell?"

"How are you of all people not sad?" Alice asked, seeming shocked that Y/n looked so happy.

"When did you even get back, you weren't supposed to be back for another week?" Mary said, her eyes wide.

It was true. Y/n wasn't supposed to be back for a week, but she came back early to surprise James with the gifts she had gotten him. Several things she knew he'd love.

"I came back early to surprise James" Y/n said, "I'm confused, what happened?" She asked.

"Y/n, did you not hear?" Mary asked moving some of her burnett hair from your face, "Marlene Mckinnon had been talking about it to everyone." She said.

Speaking of Marlene, as soon as Mary stopped talking. She seemed to just appear. She gasped at the sight of Y/n, and moved some hair from her face.

"Y/n, your back!" The blonde exclaimed "Did you hear about James and Lily?" She asked.

"What?" Y/n asked taking a step back, "What about James and Lily?" She asked.

Marlene gasped and her eyes widened "No way." She said.

Y/n knew that the blonde girl had an insane thirst for drama. She was always up to date with anything drama related, some of them were true. And most others were lies, just so Marlene could mix up some sort of drama.

"Marlene don't." Mary said, hoping to stop Marlene from whatever she was about to say.

"No, no, I wanna hear." Y/n said, knowing very well that half the things Marlene said were never true.  She sure what she was about to say, was another lie "Marlene, what happened?" She asked.

"So, I heard that James Potter and Lily Evans slept together." Marlene said, seeming to completely forget that James and Y/n had been dating for almost two years.

"Marlene." Alice said her eyes wide, "Please just stop while you can." She said.

Y/n's eyes widened "That's not true, that would mean that he cheated on me." She said, "James would never cheat on me, and Lily would never sleep with my boyfriend."

Alice looked towards the entrance of the cafeteria, and her eyes widened "She-oh my god."

Y/n looked back and she would've passed out, if she wasn't so angry. James and Lily stood there. And much to Y/n's surprise, they were hand in hand. The two of them stopped by James's friends, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.

Tears had began to pool in Y/n's eyes. Never had she believed Marlene's stupid rumors, almost no one believed her. But this time she was telling the truth.

Sirius pointed to Y/n, which then had James and Lily look towards her. James's eyes widened, and his face went pale. Lily's hands had shot to her mouth, and her eyes were wide. Y/n stormed towards the two, angry and sad tears slipping down her face. She brought her hand up, and the palm of her hand hit James's cheek with a loud smack.

𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 (𝒋𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓) Where stories live. Discover now