Chapter 1

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The rainwater that sneakily seeped into my shoes soaked my socks and left me shivering. I pulled my coat on tighter around me in a futile attempt to shut the cold out. The weather was awful and was, just like my clothes, dampening my mood. Yes, I was petrified, I was put right in the eye of the hurricane. Yet, I was also excited and I yearned to know more and to bring justice to those many young boys like me - like I was. I stopped a few metres away from the eerie, old house and sighed deeply, ridding myself of the fear and negative thoughts that would soon overrule my determination. 

I walked cautiously over to the sign, acting as if I was not familiar with it. 'The Bed & Breakfast', it read in big, black letters. I gently pushed the doorbell. The sound coming from far into the house was welcoming, almost calling you. I hadn't taken my finger off of the doorbell when the door violently swung open to reveal an overly cheerful woman about half of my size. She was thin, to the extent where her bones were too visible to be healthy. Her veins stuck out and their colour was opaque through her pale skin. She moved swiftly and with a lot of energy, however, taking one look at her, it is evident that she needs some rest. Her eyes are a greyish blue and her hair was frail and looked like it would fall off of her head at the slightest touch.

"Hello my darling! Please come in out of the cold! You must be freezing!", she spoke with the widest grin and so much of enthusiasm. She pulled off my coat and walked over to an empty coat rack to hang it up. I allowed her to lead me into a living room.

A small fire was lit in the corner of the room and there were plush sofas surrounding a pale green coloured rug and an old coffee table with some biscuits and a kettle and two cups resting on it. Next to one of the sofas on the floor, lay a sleeping dachshund and tabby cat. Why had they slept through my noisy entrance? The smell emanating from the living room was putrid, resembling an over exaggerated hospital scent. 

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